The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- November 7, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Ran Hengbing from Sichuan Province Dies in Detention Center One Week after Being Arrested
  • Mr. Sang Chunliang Tortured by the Police in Shouguang City, Shandong Province

    Mr. Ran Hengbing from Sichuan Province Dies in Detention Center One Week after Being Arrested, His Son Still Detained

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ran Hengbing, 76, lived at 7-4 Jiangjia Lane, Taiping Street, in Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province. His son Ran Tongyi was arrested by National Security agents on October 11, 2007. Then, Ran Hengbing was arrested and detained in Jiangyou City Detention Center. He died under suspicious circumstances in the detention center on October 22, 2007. The Detention Center Administration refused to allow his family to visit during his detention.

    Mr. Ran Hengbing was a retired Chief Conductor of the Jiangyou City Transportation Bureau. His mental and physical health was very good as a result of practicing Falun Gong. At midnight on October 11, 2007, his third son, Ran Tongyi, was arrested. His home was ransacked on the morning of October 12, 2007.

    On the afternoon of October 15, 2007, agent Luo Gang (male) and another agent in his 20s came to talk to Mr. Ran and told him to go to the Jiangyou City Police Department to answer some questions. Mr. Ran thought it was about his third son, who was still detained, so he followed them. His other family members also wished to go, but the agents did not approve and lied, saying that Mr. Ran would be home very soon.

    Mr. Ran never returned home. Agents asked his family to deliver bedding to the National Security Team in the City Police Department on October 16, 2007. They asked Team Leader Yang Liusong, "Why won't you release such an elderly man in his 70s?"

    Yang answered, "The policy has changed. Even if he were over 100 years old, he would not be released."

    During the days Mr. Ran was in custody, several agents were assigned to patrol around his house, and they threatened the neighbors against speaking out.

    At around 10 a.m. on October 22, 2007, the National Security agents asked Mr. Ran's oldest and youngest sons to go the the funeral home. His family then learned Mr. Ran had died at 5:45 a.m. on October 22, 2007. Agents allowed his wife to go to the funeral home at noon with her sons, where they found officials from Mianyang City Court/Procuratorate, Jiangyou City Court,  Jiangyou City Police Department, and the National Security Team, forensic doctors, and guards from Jiangyou City Detention Center waiting there. They arranged a "talk" with Mr. Ran's family, claiming Mr. Ran died of an urgent illness, and they would conduct an autopsy to prove it, but Mr. Ran's wife did not consent.

    On October 23, 2007, the agents forced one of Mr. Ran's sons go to Zhongba Town and sign his name consenting to an autopsy and cremation of the body. Family members saw that Mr. Ran's ears were very dark, and blood came out of his mouth when forensic doctors were examining his body.


    Ms. Sang Chunlian Tortured by the Police in Shouguang City, Shandong Province

    Ms. Sang Chunlian from Houzhang Village, Shouguang City, Shandong Province was arrested by local police on September 24, 2007. That night she was locked up in Shouguang City Police Department, where two policemen brutally tortured her.



    Ms. Sang Chunlian's injury from burning by police

    One of the two policemen was wearing a police uniform and was in his 40's. He looked like a team leader. This policeman forced Ms. Sang to sit on the ground, grabbed her hands and forced them behind her back. He then hooked his hand underneath Ms. Sang's chin and pulled it upward hard. He pinched her ears and twisted them hard, slapped her with both hands heavily, and stomped on her legs and feet with his heavy leather boots.

    The other policeman was in plain clothes and was in his 30's. He had a round face, big eyes, and crew cut hair. He cursed Ms. Sang and Falun Gong viciously. He burned her arms and hands with a cigarette lighter with the maximum flame and caused many blisters. After one lighter was used up he changed to another one. He deliberately chose her fingers and elbows where it would hurt the most. He burned them until flesh and blood were so injured and mixed that they were hard to tell apart. At the same time he said, "Tonight I must skin you!" Then he tore off Ms. Sang's shirt and pants, shouting, "Everybody out of this room. I am going to burn her genital area."