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My Story of Going to Tiananmen Square and Being Arrested

October 25, 2000 |  

On the morning of October 6, 2000, I went to Tiananmen Square. It was about 11:00 am. While I was walking around the memorial monument, I suddenly saw a couple unfolding a banner reading "Falun Dafa is Good." Several plain-clothes agents rushed towards them, violently beat them and took their banner. At the same time, a lot of other Falun Dafa banners were being unfurled around the memorial monument. Numerous plainclothes and police violently and crazily kicked practitioners and beat them with iron hammers, wooden rods, and electric rods.

The head of a female practitioner (about over 50-years old) had a big gash where blood was gushing out. Many practitioners' heads were injured and bleeding. I rushed to help, pushing the police and practitioners apart and shouted: "Don't beat people." The police, in return, violently beat me and forced us into a van. The police beat us again inside the van. We told them: "Don't continue to do wrong deeds that incur karma. We stopped you for your own good." He replied: "I just want to beat you." He then beat my arms four times with an iron hammer and my arms became badly swollen. When we arrived at the police station, there was a policeman beating a female practitioner. We went up to stop him but the policemen violently beat us again. Some practitioners' heads were bleeding. I was sent to another detention center at Miyun County.

In the same night, I was called up to the police station. The police asked politely where I am from. I did not tell him. I said: "I don't want to go back to my hometown because I will be detained too." They said: "You tell us where you are from and we will contact your family to bring you back directly. We won't notify your local police station." I said: "Do you mean what you say?" One leader said: "Of course, I always keep my word! I will notify your husband to take you back!" I told them my home address after 30 minutes of stalemate. After returning to the detention center, I was told that I had been fooled by the police just like other practitioners.

On the morning of October 7, several practitioners, including a 15 or 16 years old high school student, were beaten by the staff in the detention center because of practicing Falun Gong. There were four young men with evil faces who never wore police uniforms. They would beat people whenever the chief officer gave an order. The chief officer beat practitioners too. Practitioners in another cell stepped forward and said: "Stop beating people!" The chief officer then ordered those four young men to flush the practitioners, including a six year-old girl, with cold water. Practitioners kept saying "Doing good deeds will be rewarded, doing bad deeds will be punished" more than 30 times before these thugs stopped.

Around 10am, I was taken outside and forced to wait. I saw a slim female practitioner who had just been force-fed with a tube. I also saw some syringes and milk in a basin and someone was sitting over there watching. I said: "She's in such a bad state, just let her go." That person replied, "To deal with people like you we just need dictatorship." I said: "For bad people, you do need dictatorship. But we're good people." He just snorted. About 10:30am, I was sent back to my hometown police station. I was released after six days of hunger strike.