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Summary of Other Articles and News - 01/25/2002

January 28, 2002 |  


Didier Julia is a member of the RPR. The RPR is one of the two parties in power in France. He is the vice president of the French Island Region Parliament and recently wrote to the French foreign minister condemning the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong. He earnestly requested that the French government take measures to urge China to respect human rights.

Views and Experiences from Cultivators

Some thoughts after watching the follow-up story about the self-immolation incident broadcast by the Central TV's "Focus Point Interview":

The self-immolation show is full of flaws and has been a great laughing stock to the whole world for some time now. To our surprise, CCTV has dared to create and broadcast a sequel. If we imagine ourselves in the position of the reporters and other media personnel in CCTV and think about what they did, we can find that they are really a poor and wretched bunch of people! They helplessly watched while their consciences, the reputation of the Chinese government, and the dignity of the Chinese nation was trampled on again and again by the lies they spread through their own mouths and acts. They are merely a flock of Jiang Zemin's slaves. Their lives are probably over a hundred times bitterer than the rhizome of the Chinese goldthread [a kind of Chinese herbal medicine that is believed to be the bitterest in the world].

A postscript regarding the truth-clarifying materials:

For the sake of you and your family members, please cherish the truth-clarifying materials. Falun Dafa practitioners live frugally, and even sell their personal possessions to make these truth-clarifying materials. They also risk their lives to put them into your hands. They use all kinds of ways to clarify the truth, all because they simply want to tell people that they should adhere to the truth and uphold the spirit of doing good deeds. Please cherish this, and don't discard it thoughtlessly. Please share it widely with your family members, relatives, friends and fellow workers. People who show goodwill towards Falun Dafa will certainly get good rewards.

Latest News from China

Eighty-seven people published their solemn declarations, declaring that all actions taken under brainwashing are void. All they have written, said and done that doesn't conform to Dafa is completely void. They will cultivate Dafa with determination and double their efforts, expose the evil and clarify the truth, make up the loss with their solid actions and become open and aboveboard Dafa disciples.

A hospital worker's experience of persecution: My wife and I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and were brutally beaten by police. I saw practitioners who were beaten until they lost consciousness. Some were beaten until they were covered with blood. The vicious officers at the Tiananmen Branch Police Department sprayed anesthetic on my body and forbade me to speak. Police enforcers at Huairou County Detention Center pulled my coat off, shackled me, poured water on me at freezing temperatures and forced me to stand in the snow for several hours.

Kang Guangping, a police thug at Daxing County's Police Department in Beijing, forcibly bent my arms behind the wide back of a chair that I was sitting on. They wedged something into my armpits and pushed my arms down so the handcuffs ate deep into my wrists. I cried from the pain. The police officers gagged me with a dirty towel. Furthermore, the thugs put my legs on a high chair so my legs hung in the air and then began kicking my knees. Later, I was sent to a brainwashing class to be further tortured.

Yuan Zengguo, a thug from the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute powers over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] in Shahe City, Hebei Province closely followed orders from Jiang's criminal group by trapping and kidnapping a good government official who is also a Dafa practitioner and is praised by everyone. In Shahe City, over 200 practitioners were illegally sent to forced labor camps. Many families were broken up and many practitioners were forced to leave home and roam about to avoid the persecution.

Overseas News

The Voice of America reported on January 24, 2002 the release of Canadian Falun Gong practitioner Connie Chipkar, who was arrested on January 23 by the Chinese police on Tiananmen Square for appealing for Falun Dafa. At the time, she wore a sash that read "Falun Gong" and "SOS."

La Nazione, Italy, reported a peaceful protest staged by more than 30 Falun Gong practitioners outside the Chinese Embassy. The support of Mr. Massimo Lensi, General Advisor to the non-partisan Radicals Party has led to a series of meetings between Italian politicians and Falun Gong to condemn the secretive yet brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

On January 19, 2002, a few Falun Gong practitioners traveled to Lincoln, a historic, remote city in northeastern England, to introduce Dafa to people there. Many people expressed their disgust towards the persecution conducted by the Chinese government and supported Falun Gong. A blind woman was especially touched by the principle of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance. She asked the practitioners to convey her best wishes to practitioners in China.

The San Francisco Radio station program "Talks around the World" interviewed a Canadian Falun Gong practitioner again. Joel Chipkar said that it was Falun Gong that relieved the pain and sadness that his mother, Ms. Connie Chipkar, felt after the loss of her 9-year old son. The purpose of his mother's trip to Tiananmen Square was to tell Chinese people that Falun Dafa is good.

Cultivation Stories

On September 20, 2001, my boss took the opportunity to trick me into going to the city government's Department of Organization when I was going into town to attend a meeting. I was forced to get on a vehicle by the terrorists from the "610" office. They intended to send me to a brainwashing class. Due to my attachments I did not expose their plot at that moment. Later on, I strengthened my righteous thoughts. I left in front of many people and returned home safely.

I was illegally sent to labor "education" and was then kidnapped by the police and sent to a brainwashing class. Everyday, besides clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to the staff around me, the only other thing I did was to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. I was released on the fifth day of my hunger-strike. After returning home I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the interferences at home, around the neighborhood and from the police, and clarified the truth about Falun Gong to my relatives.