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Record of Persecution by the "610 Office" in Juntun Town, Guihu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

March 22, 2002 |  

March 18th, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) The Juntun Town government in Guihu District (formerly Xindu County) in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, utilizes various means to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. The following are accounts of the persecution:

Since July 20, 1999, Juntun Town established the local "610 office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems), led by Liu Xinglu, Liu Shuquan, Xie Chonghua, and Tan Xingkui. They persecuted all the Falun Gong practitioners in each village that they could find, a total of more than 100 Falun Gong practitioners. The Juntun Police Station reported this to the Xindu County, and after a discussion with the county government, the town was listed as a focal point to persecute Falun Gong.

On December 29, 2000, Dafa practitioners Wen Xianzhen, Liu Mingzhen, Mao Huixiu, Huang Jiliang, and Liu Xi went to appeal in Beijing. After they were escorted back, the vicious people from the town "610 office" beat and tortured them. They were then sent to the county detention center for 45 days. The police led by Xie Chonghua went to the homes of Dafa practitioners and extorted money from them. The most at one time was nearly 13,000 Yuan. Other cases ranged between 5,000 and 8,000 Yuan. (The average monthly income for an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.)

After their detention, the practitioners were escorted to the town government's courtyard. The police, led by Liu Xinglu, Liu Shuquan, Xie Chonghua, and Tan Guankui, bound the practitioners with rope and paraded them through streets with signs hung on them. High volume speakers were used to slander Falun Dafa. The practitioners at home were monitored strictly, and they had to report whenever they went outside.

In April 2001, the Juntun town government arrested Dafa practitioners and sent them to the brainwashing classes to be tortured. Policeman Huang Ganglian hired some thugs to strip the practitioners naked and beat them with leather belts. In addition, the practitioners were force-fed with stool.

They also adopted the "guilt by association" policy. For those whose husbands or wives didn't practice but were retired, they stopped their pensions. If their children had jobs, they were fired. If their families didn't cooperate, they could be arrested or beaten up. One practitioner was a party member. The director of the police station shouted at her, "Beating you to death is less significant than beating a pig or dog to death. We can deal with you however we want." However, the practitioners did not give up even in the face of such brutal persecution. Eventually, the authorities sentenced Mao Huixiu to 18 months in a forced labor camp. (She has been released since then.) Huang Jiliang and Liu Xi were sent to the Xindu Detention Center for 40 days.

The police arrested people without reason even on holidays, and the practitioners weren't released until they paid heavy fines. On June 30, 2001, vicious policemen from the Juntun Police Station ransacked the homes of Dafa practitioners after they found out that practitioners Hu Daiyun and Huang Jiliang had Teacher's new articles at their house. They took them away and beat them at the police station until one of them lost consciousness. Finally, Huang Jiliang was illegally sent to a forced labor camp for 18 months.

In December 2001, the authorities tried to hold another brainwashing class but failed due to the resistance of righteous thoughts from practitioners.

The perpetrators of the persecution are listed below:

Liu Xinglu, the general secretary of Juntun Town Party Committee.

Liu Shuquan, the mayor of Juntun Town

Xie Chonghua, the deputy mayor of Juntun Town

Li Xiaping, the director of Juntun Town Woman Committee

Luo Caibiao, a member of Juntun Town Proposal Office

Tan Guangkui, the director of Juntun Town Armed Department

Zhou Qiquan, the director of Juntun Town Culture Station

Mu Wei, the director of Juntun Police Station

Cao Gang, a policeman of Juntun Town Police Station

Zhang Ermao, a member of Juntun Town Management Team