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A Seventeen-Year-Old Practitioner's Story of Going to Beijing to Safeguard the Fa

April 23, 2002 |  


I am a 17-year-old Dafa practitioner. I obtained Dafa in July 1998 but I have not been really diligent and did not study the Fa and practice the exercises often. In 2001, I was not able to conduct myself according to the Fa and often went out with my schoolmates and freely indulged myself in this corrupt society. In January this year, I had scabies all over my body. I realized that the evil forces had taken advantage of my letting myself run loose. So I took that opportunity to stay home to study the Fa and practice the exercises.

Through Fa study, my Xinxing (mind or heart nature; moral character) has improved greatly. But recently, I felt that I was not able to concentrate on Fa study and to make further improvements. All kinds of human notions came up. Then I often heard fellow practitioners talking about the experience of going to Beijing. Reading fellow practitioners' articles, I was deeply touched. So I decided to go to Beijing for Fa-rectification. Going to Beijing is a test of life and death, and any thought that is not righteous will be taken advantage of by the evil.

At that time my only thought was to go to Beijing to do Fa-rectification and that I must come back and not be taken away by the evil forces since there are still people here waiting for me to save them. However, it was the first time that I would travel such a long distance alone and that made my family really worried. But I knew in my heart that Teacher's Law Body as well as many guardian gods were protecting me on my trip to Beijing for Fa-rectification.

The next day on the train, I kept clearing my mind and eliminating the evil around me as well as the evil in Tiananmen Square that was trying to interfere and keep me from rectifying the Fa.

I got to Beijing at 6:00 a.m. on March 31, 2002. At around 9:00 a.m., I arrived at Tiananmen Square. I was really calm on the way to the square. My thoughts were pure. It was all a manifestation of my divine side. Upon seeing Tiananmen Square, I felt really happy. It was really a nice day and there were many tourists.

I walked around for a while and watched where the uniformed and plainclothes police were located. Right then, scenes of my being arrested and my talking to the police kept being reflected into my mind. I immediately realized that this was evil interference and I cleared it out right away. There were many tourists on the square, among them also many foreigners. I was really hoping that some foreign practitioners would come out to unfurl banners. Then I realized that this was waiting for others to set an example for me and that this was not a righteous thought!

It was already past 10:00 a.m., and I knew I should not wait any longer. Sooner or later I had to do what I had come for. If I failed to unfold my banner, I would really regret it. So I assumed a heart of courage and unfolded the banner. At that moment my thoughts were all blank and I felt that I was the only one on the whole square. I could only hear my own voice: "Falun Dafa is Good! Falun Dafa is the righteous way! Return my Teacher's good reputation!" I was running on the square and felt that I had infinite strength. After I repeated shouting twice, I folded my banner and left the square with no trouble. I felt very much relieved. Yes, after such a long time, I had finally spoken out the words that were deep in my heart.

Teacher said in "True Cultivation" (Essentials for Further Advancement), "I have never felt bitter for the numerous hardships I have suffered. Then what do you have that still can't be abandoned? Can you bring to heaven the things deep down inside that you cannot let go of?" Teacher is so compassionate! He has given us so much and suffered so much for us. But I had waited so long before I was able to speak out from my heart. I felt ashamed facing Teacher who is compassionate and has suffered to save us.