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Something to Enlighten to by Taking the Fa as Teacher

July 08, 2002 |  

(Clearwisom.Net) By sending forth righteous thoughts, a fellow practitioner escaped from six policemen as they illegally broke into her house to arrest her. She found a place to live for several days. One morning, half asleep, she heard a voice say, "They are coming to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners." Because she misunderstood it as a hint from Teacher, she moved to yet another place, but still couldn't get rid of the fear that someone would find her. She kept thinking about looking for a safer place to live. As a result, the police abducted her within days.

Another fellow practitioner moved away from her house to become free from the interference and to better clarify the truth. She started a brokerage firm. One day she heard a voice clearly say, "They are coming down this way to arrest you!" She thought, "If I escaped like this, how could I save those who were longing to know the truth? How could Teacher tell practitioners directly what they are supposed to do in that way?" After becoming sure it was interference from evil forces, she started to send forth righteous thoughts frequently. The more she did, the less she was worried. She has been free from fear since then. Not only is everything normal, but also more and more people are coming to know the truth in her office every day.

What is actually happening? It is suggested that our fellow practitioners enlighten to this after studying the Fa well, clarifying the truth, and sending forth righteous thoughts.