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Clarifying the Truth in Accordance With the Circumstances of People's Lives

February 12, 2003 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China


After Teacher's article "Hurry Up And Tell Them" was published, I was anxious to pursue the effects, and I had a strong attachment to accomplishing things. Because I did things with pursuit, as a result, I accomplished nothing. In addition, my actions led people to be disrespectful to Dafa. I became inactive in clarifying the truth. After I studied the Fa with a calm heart, I found my shortcomings. Teacher says,

"Do you realize that as long as you're a cultivator, in any environment or under any circumstances, I will use any troubles or unpleasant things you come across - even if they involve work for Dafa, or no matter how good or sacred you think they are - to eliminate your attachments and expose your demon-nature so that it can be eliminated, for your improvement is what's most important.

"If you are able to succeed in improving yourself this way, what you do then, with a pure heart, will be the best and most sacred." ("Further Understanding", Essentials for Further Advancement)

I first let go of the pursuit, and strived to make my state of my mind pure and righteous. I started with myself. For example, when I went shopping, I always started by chatting with people about everyday concerns. My behavior and words led them to feel that I was a good person that is different from others. I catered to their taste, and told them that the news was specifically for spreading lies and deceiving people. I clarified the truth of Dafa as naturally as I could. Through my efforts, I could see that I had been successful in clarifying the truth.

I had the following experience on one occasion. After I stopped at a vendor's stand where a young man was selling fruit, even before I said anything, he hurriedly picked up several pounds of fresh fruit, and asked me if that's enough. I answered," I didn't say that I wanted to buy, but you have got it ready for me. I appreciate your kindness!" The young man seemed very happy. I took the opportunity to talk with him. During our conversation, my compassion touched him. He started to praise me, and said that I was an extraordinarily good person. I told him that it was because I cultivate Falun Gong. He was shocked, and shouted loudly, "Do you practice Falun Gong?!" Then I told him the true situation of Falun Dafa, that the leaders abused their power to fabricate stories and defame Falun Gong. After hearing this, he realized how good Falun Gong is.

As soon as his righteous thought came out, a miracle occurred. People came to buy his fruit one after another. They were actually arranged to come to hear the truth of Dafa. He dealt with each of his customers, saying that Falun Gong teaches people to be good. He said, " Let's listen to what this woman has told us. All the news broadcast on TV slandering Falun Gong are lies. You'd better learn Falun Gong and try to be good people!" Some of the people there asked me where I lived and wanted me to teach them. Some wanted to borrow the book. Some asked a lot of questions and tried to learn as much as they could about Falun Gong. Only a few people seemed unmoved by the truth. After a while, I returned to find that the young man had sold out all of stock while other vendors had just opened their stands. His righteous thoughts and words truly brought miraculous effects.

There was another woman selling things in a nearby stand. I sat down and talked with her about everything from business to everyday life. I warmly answered her questions. I told her, "I am 53 years old, and I have a granddaughter in kindergarten." She was very surprised and stared at me, saying, "From your appearance, I thought you were 35 years old." She asked me if I had some secret methods for staying young. I told her that practicing Falun Gong made me healthy both physically and mentally. This was my only secret to staying young. Before I finished clarifying the true situation to her, she interrupted me and said, "That's right. He himself (Jiang Zemin) is vicious. He framed Falun Gong." While I was there, customers came continuously. Other vendors next to her stand anxiously watched as so many people came to her to buy her goods.

Let go of attachments, and truly melt into the Fa. Even such a seemingly trivial thing is so sacred. I was enlightened that wherever we go, we should clarify the truth there. Dafa practitioners' energy field really means, "The Buddha-light illuminates everywhere and rectifies all abnormalities."

The above is my personal understanding, which is restricted by my level. Please kindly point out anything improper.