
Facts of the Persecution

On August 13, 2005, Dafa practitioners Zhang Huaming and Du Guomei from Chongqing City were arrested by Qijiang County Police because they clarified the truth to the public. They were immediately taken to the Qijiang County Police Department. Their homes were ransacked on the same day. Their family members are very concerned about their safety and are calling for help.

A Chinese version of this article is available at



Dafa practitioner Mr. Qu Tongtin, 37, from Dalian City, Liaoning Province was illegally arrested on the evening of September 21, 2005. His whereabouts remain unknown. According to a witness, Mr. Qu was arrested by three men and two women outside his apartment building. He was then dragged into a car and driven away.

A Chinese version of this article is available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/9/24/111134.html