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Mother Persecuted to Death, Father Jailed, Son Ran Away in Desperation

October 11, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Gansu Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Geng Cuifang, a Dafa practitioner from Lanzhou City, was persecuted to death on June 13, 2002. After two months, her husband, practitioner Su Anzhou, was wrongfully sentenced to prison for 20 years. Their son was less than 18 years of age at the time. After suffering this family tragedy, he left home in desperation and his whereabouts are unknown.

Ms. Geng Cuifang, more than 40 years old, went with her husband to Beijing to validate Dafa in late December 2000. They were both arrested and sent back to Lanzhou City. Su Anzhou was detained in the Pingantai Forced Labor Camp and Geng Cuifang in the Xiguoyuan Detention Center. They were released in October of 2001. During this period, their 16-year-old son was left at home alone.

In the early morning of June 13, 2002, after leaving home, Su Anzhou was forcibly arrested by police who were hiding outside. The police pounded on the door, demanding that Geng Cuifang open up, but Geng Cuifang refused. The police's intimidation tactics caused Geng to fall to the ground from the sixth floor balcony. Soon afterwards, with a total disregard for Geng Cuifang's condition, the police stole her house key and entered the home. They stole two bankbooks, rings, jewelry and cash. Leaving Geng Cuifang's lifeless body on the ground, the police then fled the scene.

In August 2002, the same police officers arrested Su Anzhou again and sentenced him to jail for 20 years with the charge of intercepting a TV signal.

Geng Cuifang's son was less than 18 years old at that time. His mother had just died as a result of the police's actions, and his father was jailed. Losing his parents and source of livelihood, the boy ran away in desperation. Relatives and friends have sought his whereabouts since that time but do not know where he is currently.

September 3, 2005