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Oakland, California: Anti-Torture Exhibit Exposes Persecution - City Government Staff Express Support (Photos)

October 04, 2005 |   By Kerry Huang, Minghui correspondent from San Francisco

(Clearwisdom.net) On September 27, 2005, practitioners held an anti-torture exhibit and truth clarification photo exhibit in front of the Oakland City Hall. They aimed to expose the persecution, call for help stop the persecution of Falun Gong and bring justice to Chinese officials and vicious policemen who participated in the persecution of Falun Gong.


Reenactment of torture methods and truth clarification photo exhibit attract passersby to learn about the truth

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Reenactment of torture methods and truth clarification photo exhibit attract passersby to learn about the truth

The activities were held on the plaza in front of the Oakland City Hall, adjacent to the US Federal Government Office Building and California State Office Building. At lunchtime, many area workers passed by and some of them would take a rest on the plaza.

At 11:00a.m., after practitioners finished placing photos, and re-enacted some torture methods used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China, passersby were attracted. They stopped to watch and learned about the truth.

People were shocked to hear that Oakland's sister city mayor, Xia Deren, from Dalian City, was planning to visit Oakland. Xia is also deputy governor of Liaoning Province, one of the areas where the persecution of Falun Gong is the most severe. Many Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death or to disability there. There even occurred an inhumane incident that 18 women Falun Gong practitioners were stripped naked and locked up with men.

Falun Gong practitioners were holding the exhibits here to let more people learn what Falun Gong is and to expose the persecution. Many people expressed, "You've done well." One of the staff expressed thanks to practitioners for telling him about the truth. Some people also asked how to help stop the persecution.

Mr. He, a government officer from Hong Kong, watched all truth clarification photos and said that since the Chinese Communist Party seized the power in China, it has never stopped killing. It has tightly controlled the media, so many people still do not know all this. He has known that the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is severe. He suggested practitioners to hold more similar activities, and expose persecution facts more often in the newspapers, on TV and radio stations.

When the activities concluded, a police guard from the City Hall saw practitioners collect and roll photos, he especially found some rubber bands for practitioners.