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Practitioners Participate in Annual Chinese New Year Celebration in Las Vegas, Nevada (Photos)

February 27, 2005 |   By a practitioner in Las Vegas

(Clearwisdom.net) On February 20, 2005, practitioners in Las Vegas participated in the annual Chinese New Year celebration in the local Chinese community. Since the persecution in China began on July 20, 1999, practitioners have worked continuously to "clarify the truth" to local residents. As a result of practitioners' efforts, the local Chinese people have come to know about the Chinese Communist regime's lies, and they understand Falun Gong practitioners.

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The Falun Gong booth is located in an eye-catching place

In the past, some people walked away upon seeing the Falun Gong booth. But it is different this year in that people not only accepted the presence of the booth, but they came to the booth to take truth-clarification literature, watched truth-clarification videos, bought Dafa books and inquired about the location of the practice site.

The practitioners' booth was set up in an eye-catching location, where one could see it right after entering the hall. For a whole day, visitors came to take truth-clarification literature, and asked questions. Several thousands of flyers and CDs were distributed.

An elderly Chinese woman watched the practitioners' exercise demonstration and called her husband and grandson over to come learn the exercises right away. A practitioner taught them the five sets of exercises. After learning the third exercise, the woman said emotionally, "Falun Gong is wonderful. I feel very comfortable throughout my whole body. That's why the Chinese Communist regime cannot eliminate it." One gentleman told a practitioner, "Falun Gong is great. For so many years you continue to practice. [It's] Commendable! Commendable!"