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Taiwan Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Anti-Torture Exhibition in Nantou City (Photos)

March 03, 2005 |   By Chang Yunqing

(Clearwisdom.net) Before the February 28 Peace Memorial Day, Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners held an Anti-Torture Exhibition from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Children's Park in Tantou County's Chungxing Community on Feb 27, 2005. County representatives Lin Yonghong, Jian Pailing, and Mayor Li Chaoqing attended the activity and gave speeches denouncing the Chinese Communist Party's inhuman persecution of Falun Gong. Later, the mayor of Chaotun Town also joined the activity and called on the people to speak out with voices of justice.

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Torture Exhibition Re-enactment

The activity had two parts. Inside the park, the theme was the beauty of Falun Dafa. The activities included art performances, music performances, "Journey of Falun Dafa Photo Exhibit," "Uncompromising Courage" art exhibit, and a booth showing visitors how to fold paper lotus flowers. Outside of the park, the Falun Gong practitioners reenacted torture methods used in China jails and labor camps. Three trucks also drove through the surrounding towns and villages to display the brutal tortures going on in China.

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Dance performance
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Dance performance
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Making a paper lotus flower

The weather had been rainy and cloudy for days. Even at 9 a.m. the morning of the activity, the sky was still dark. But after Falun Gong practitioners began to perform on the Waist Drums, the drizzle stopped and gradually the sky cleared and the sun appeared. More and more people came out to the park to enjoy the good weather.

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People sign to support the petition to end the persecution
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(From right) County representative Lin Yonghong, Jian Peiling, and Nantou City Mayor Li Chaoqing give speeches

Inside the park, parents played with children, watched the performances and enjoyed the beauty of Falun Dafa. Outside the park, they saw the brutal tortures. People were surprised. After hearing the introduction, they felt the Communist Party was cruel and showed lot sympathy for Mainland Falun Gong practitioners. Many people signed their names to support the petition to end the persecution.

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Commemorating practitioners who died in the persecution

At six o'clock in the evening, practitioners gathered in a corner of the park to commemorate the 1,400 Chinese practitioners who have died in the persecution. The one-day-activity ended with solemn and peaceful music.