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Forty-Year Osteoporosis Patient Regains Health Because of Falun Gong and Speaks out for Falun Gong and Teacher

March 08, 2005 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I used to suffer from rheumatism, heart disease, hepatitis, anemia, tracheitis, and many other types of diseases, which required me to take medication on a daily basis for many years. As a result of the side effects of the medication, I developed osteoporosis. The osteoporosis became so severe that I had five fractures in a row within a short period of time. I became bed-ridden and had to walk on crutches. Then I had another fracture. This time it was a fracture of my tibia. The doctor had to use pins to connect my fractured tibia. As a result of the multiple diseases and the surgeries, there was not a place in my body that did not hurt excruciatingly. I felt as if I were better off dead.

When all hope seemed to be lost, someone introduced Falun Gong to me. I thought it was the best thing that had ever happened to me, so I made up my mind to learn the five exercises of Falun Gong. I had one concern about learning Falun Gong's sitting meditation, since it requires me to sit with legs crossed and on top of each other (a position also known as the Full Lotus position.) In order to do the sitting meditation properly, I decided to have the pins in my tibia removed. During the initial assessment for the surgery, the doctor took an X-ray of my legs and found that my tibia had already flattened and started to show signs of bone necrosis. He told me that I would not be able to walk if the pins were removed. The head of the hospital said, "In your condition, you will have to wait for at least a year before we can safely remove the pins from your tibia."

After I returned from the hospital, I decided that I would not live the rest of my life walking on crutches, so I decided to put my hope in Falun Gong. I started to study Falun Gong books and to learn the five sets of Falun Gong exercises, including the sitting meditation. I went ahead and put my legs on top of each other to practice the sitting meditation. I instantly felt the pins in the tibia grinding against my flesh. The agony caused me to tremble and shake like a leaf. Tears and sweat flowed down my face and soaked my shirt. I practiced the sitting meditation in the Full Lotus position for ten minutes, although it felt like ten years. The following day before I started to practice the sitting meditation, I said to Teacher in my mind, "Teacher, I don't think I can endure the pain any more. Would you please help me ease the pain?" Then a miracle happened. I did not feel any pain at all when I started the meditation. I was overcome with joy. It was a sign that Teacher was treating me as a disciple!

But five minutes later my legs started to hurt. This time I was able to do the sitting meditation for 15 minutes. Slowly I continued to increase the length of my meditation exercise. Three months later, I was able to do the sitting meditation in the Full Lotus position for 30 minutes. During those three months, I experienced an amazing improvement of my physical health. I hardly needed to use the crutches to move about at home. I could move about by leaning my hands on the wall. I felt as if the pins in my tibia slowly disappeared because I felt less pain in my legs. In fact, the pain I used to feel all over my body had subsided.

So I returned to the hospital three months later. After the X-ray came out, the head of the hospital was astonished at my improvement. He asked, "Did you have elixir from heaven or what? How could you have possibly recovered so quickly from the fractures? The X-ray we took today looks like it was taken from a different person!" He explained to me that the fishnet-like structures in my bones as a result of my osteoporosis had disappeared. It appeared that I no longer suffered from osteoporosis. My bones were no longer flattened. They had become round, like they are supposed to be. Then he told me that he can now remove the pins in my bones because I don't need them any longer. He knew me as a regular patient of the hospital for years, so he was amazed at my remarkable recovery. He asked me for my secret, and I told him that it was Falun Gong. He and other doctors at the hospital were very impressed.

I continued to practice the Falun Gong exercises and study Falun Gong books. Six months later, I got rid of the crutches. At the beginning, I needed to walk with two crutches. Then I only needed to use one crutch. At the end of the six months, I could walk without any crutches. My health improved very quickly. I started to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis when I was 17 years old, and it haunted me for 40 years before I started to practice Falun Gong. I did not remember what it was like to live without pain. Now because of Falun Gong, I can lead a perfectly healthy life. I can tell you without any exaggeration that Falun Gong has truly given me a new life.

This is the reason why I felt I must speak out for Falun Gong when Jiang Zemin started to openly persecute Falun Gong practitioners and slander Teacher on July 20, 1999. I am not the only person who feels this way. Fellow practitioners and I thought it was the least we could do to go to Beijing and share our personal experiences of practicing Falun Gong with the authorities, who might listen and undo the injustice against Falun Gong and Teacher. A fellow practitioner and I left for Beijing to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to the State Appeals Office. However, it wasn't until we arrived in Beijing that we realized that no one in the government would listen to the truth. Deprived of our constitutional right to appeal, we posted flyers and hung banners that contained important facts about Falun Gong at Tiananmen Square. When we got the work done and were about to leave Tiananmen Square, the police patrolling Tiananmen Square stopped and questioned us, "Do you think Falun Gong is good?" The two of us replied together, "Yes, of course Falun Gong is good." The next thing we knew, we were arrested and thrown into a police car. As we were taken away from Tiananmen Square, we kept hearing loud and clear voices all over the square: "Falun Dafa is good!" "Falun Dafa is a righteous Way!" "Restore my Teacher's good name!" It was a magnificent sight to behold!

The Tiananmen Square police checked our train tickets and found out where we were from. They then transferred us to our home city's office in Beijing. After we were transferred back, the local police extorted over 4,000 yuan from my daughter in exchange for my release.

During the Chinese New Year of 2004, the undercover police patrolling the streets found me posting flyers containing important facts about Falun Gong and arrested me. They took me to the police station and asked for my name and address. I did not give them my personal information, and clarified the truth about Falun Gong to them instead. I told them how much I had benefited from practicing Falun Gong. Some policemen accepted the truth about Falun Gong and were very polite to me. Others became angry and shouted at me. I started to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the rotten demons manipulating those policemen. In just a few minutes, one of the angry policemen calmed down and apologized to me. He said that he has a bad temper and asked me not to hold any grudges.

While they were discussing what to do with me, the deputy head of the police station recognized me. He knew that I was a decent and law-abiding citizen. He also knew me before I started to practice Falun Gong and knew how much Falun Gong has improved my health and morality. He insisted that they release me at once. Thus I returned home safely and was able to continue my truth-clarification work.