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Practitioners Should be Clear-headed Regarding the CCP's Evil Nature

April 05, 2005 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioners now realize the need to eliminate the communist evil specter that poisons the Chinese people. In order to save more Chinese people, practitioners are seeking the most effective ways to clarify the truth and reveal the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to people. I'd like to share with everyone my experiences and understandings.

I. It's Crucial for Practitioners to Recognize the Importance of the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" as One Body

In "New Year's Greetings," Teacher said:

"We have not been doing political work, we have not been picking fights with the human race's real evil cult, and even less so do we want any worldly political power. During the persecution, we must be clear that we are saving the people in the world who have been misled by the Party's culture, because they believe in that cult so much that they won't even listen to the truth. Also, what we are doing is having those students who are not clearheaded on this issue recognize its evil nature. It is a human attachment that must be let go and a step that has to be taken as part of the process of validating the Fa. Don't use human notions to judge the Fa-rectification or the form in which Dafa disciples cultivate, and don't always prolong the process of improving your understanding due to your human thoughts. You are people walking the path to godhood, and every single attachment will hinder you."

In the same article, Teacher mentioned three times the need for practitioners to recognize that communism is evil. I realized that as practitioners, we need to recognize the true nature of the persecution and the evil. We need to be clear that what we are doing is saving the people who have been misled by the Party's culture, and we need to recognize the party's evil nature. This recognition determines whether we can fulfill our responsibility of saving people and help people to remove the CCP's imprint from themselves. We all understand that things happening today in ordinary society are the result of practitioners' thoughts. Only when practitioners are clear-headed will ordinary people be awakened. Practitioners' improvement as a whole body can lead ordinary people out of the evil specter's control, and help Teacher to advance the
Fa-rectification process.

Currently, some practitioners still don't understand the importance of reading the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" ("Nine Commentaries"), especially the elderly practitioners who lived through various political movements. They feel that they know very clearly the true nature of the CCP, and think that they can guess what the "Nine Commentaries" are about without reading them. In fact, they may not realize how profoundly they have been poisoned by the communist evil specter and its culture.

When I was reading the "Nine Commentaries," I also went through a fight between good and evil. I started late and encountered a strong reaction. As soon as I started reading, I had all of the symptoms of a cold: fever, dizziness, fatigue, and a runny nose. This lasted for a week. My reading was slow, but I paid close attention. After I read the second half, I realized that the article had more depth than I anticipated it would. I then studied Teacher's newest articles "We Are Not 'Getting Political'," "New Year's Greetings," and "Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World" once again. I began to more clearly see the evil nature of the CCP and how its culture poisoned the way I talked, thought, and behaved. I found the source of my fear, and clearly felt the need for practitioners to recognize and eliminate the evil. If we, as "people walking the path to godhood," can't recognize the nature of evil, how can we create a bright new world for ordinary people? Teacher said,

"...don't always prolong the process of improving your understanding due to your human thoughts."

Even so, my mentality of competitiveness, showing off, complacency, jealousy, harsh comments, and lack of consideration for others, which are marks left by the party culture, were exposed in the process of telling people the true nature of the evil party. Wickedness and violence are the opposite of compassion and tolerance. I realized that to completely eliminate the evil spirit, we need to advance in our cultivation. If practitioners' hearts are righteous, we can help to clear ordinary peoples' minds by telling them the truth about the evil party.

II. Pay Special Attention to Eradicating All Elements of the Communist Evil Specter

I think the key is that our righteous thoughts be pure. I'll use two examples to show when our thoughts were righteous, pure, and upright and when they were not.

1. After young practitioners in my area declared their withdrawal from the Young Vanguard League, we held a group study session to discuss whether young practitioners should continue to wear the red scarves (note: Young Vanguard League members are required to wear a red scarf). Some practitioners said that they should conform to ordinary society as much as possible. Others said that condemning the Young Vanguard League at heart is enough, and that form is not as important as substance. Yet other practitioners were worried about young practitioners having to face reduced scores and fines if they didn't wear the red scarf. [In China, children are required to wear the red scarves while attending elementary school.]

Through experience sharing, we realized that the above understandings were not realized using truly righteous thinking. Truly righteous thoughts require negating the regulation completely. That is, we should recognize clearly that forcing children to wear the red scarf is a deviation caused by the evil specter. Enforcing the rule is also essential to its survival. The rule poisons innocent children, and we must negate it. The key is whether or not we believe our righteous thoughts can completely eradicate such rules. In the end, we decided to add the following when sending forth righteous thoughts: "Completely eliminate the evil specter's poisoning of students through the Young Vanguard League. Eliminate the rule forcing students to wear the red scarf." We strongly believed we would be successful.

Through this we realized that our righteous thoughts should firmly negate the evil specter's control of ordinary people, whether through the Youth League in middle school, high school and university, or the CCP's "Education Movement to Maintain Advancement." We should no longer allow this to exist. This was a challenge to our righteous beliefs and righteous thoughts. It also challenged our ability to break away from being human.

2. The "Education Movement to Maintain Advancement" (the slogan recently proposed by the leader of the communist party) hasn't been active in this area. We realized that this was due to our righteous thoughts. We started using righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil specter after the first article exposing the evil nature of the CCP was published. We also sent forth righteous thoughts at our group study sessions. This demonstrated that practitioners' proactive and strong righteous thoughts are very important in preventing ordinary people from being poisoned, and thus allows them to be saved.