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Michigan, USA: Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day (Photos)

May 23, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) To celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on May 13 and to introduce Falun Dafa to more Michigan residents, practitioners in the State of Michigan participated in the fifteenth Michigan Parade held in Lansing, the state capital.

The annual Michigan parade is one of the important events in the state and its main purpose is to celebrate events and people from Michigan's rich traditions in agriculture, industry, recreation, education, athletics, sports, and government. This year's parade featured the 150th anniversaries of Michigan State University and the Lansing State Journal, Journal of Our Times.

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More than one hundred organizations and groups participated in the parade, with a variety of nice floats. The Falun Gong practitioners' procession was eye-catching, with a beautiful float and exercise demonstration. A waist drum team consisting of 30 practitioners also took part. The waist drum troupe played to the music, "Falun Dafa is Good" and created a deep impression on the audience, winning much acclaim.

Though the parade was held on an overcast and rainy day and the number of participants was smaller than last year, all participating groups and the hosting organization showed up ready to go and in high spirits. They all presented wonderful performances to those supportive spectators who stayed to watch the parade in the rain.

Four reviewing stands along the parade route highly praised the Falun Gong practitioners' procession and declared every May 13 as "Michigan Falun Dafa Day."