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Exposing the Lies of the Communist Media

August 12, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China


While detained in a forced labor camp, I was imprisoned with another practitioner who had worked at a provincial television station. He told me about the CCP propaganda programming, and that all those "news" stories were fabricated. He gave me some examples.

For instance, at that time, all the media outlets in the country were broadcasting a story about the so-called extravagance of our Teacher's house. Suddenly, the station at which the practitioner worked received an order to stop broadcasting the story. From that moment, this propaganda video was immediately withdrawn and never seen again. We know that all those so-called "news investigations" were never anything other than schemes to slander and persecute Falun Gong.

Not all of our prison guards were aware of these schemes, and they became speechless upon hearing of them. Consequently, they no longer showed those videos to the imprisoned practitioners.

Of course, the reason that these videos ceased to be shown might have been due to various other causes as well, such as the following: At this stage of the Fa-rectification, practitioners sending righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth have eliminated many evil elements, thus curtailing further persecution of Falun Gong. There are also people within the government that support Falun Dafa and strive to end the persecution. Practitioners overseas are also having an effect by exposing the persecution to the world and attempting to bring the perpetrators to justice through court trials. Some perpetrators of the persecution now fear facing consequences for their actions and have changed their methods; they are now desperately attempting to eliminate any evidence that could personally implicate them.