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Shiling Prison in Siping City Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioner Fu Hongwei

August 15, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Jilin

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Fu Hongwei, a Falun Gong practitioner from Shulan City, was persecuted in Shiling Prison in Siping City. He firmly resisted the evil persecution and acted with righteous thoughts. He refused to follow any of the requirements of the perpetrators such as wearing prison uniforms and reciting the prison rules. Mr. Fu Hongwei began to protest against the persecution by going on a hunger strike. Although his family members requested many times to see him, the authorities in the prison did not let them visit while Mr. Fu Hongwei was detained in the prison from 2003 to July 2005.

On July 11, 2005, six practitioners from both cities helped Fu Hongwei's sister Fu Dongmei to persist in asking to see her brother. The police at the reception said that Fu Hongwei was not allowed to see his family members as he was a Falun Gong practitioner who did not follow the rules as required by the prison. Fu Dongmei said, "We haven't been able to see each other for over two years. I don't know whether he is dead or alive. I won't let this matter go unresolved should anything happen to him." The police at the reception said, "Then you should go see the prison authorities yourselves."

The practitioners and Fu's sister went to see those in charge of the administrative section. Director Lu, who is in charge of the visiting room, said, "This time, I will let you see him, as you didn't know the specific visiting dates before you came to see me. If you do this again next time, I have the right to punish you." One practitioner said, "This is not our fault since we don't know your telephone number and are unable to call you." Lu said, "Our telephone number is confidential." Then, he led us to the visiting room. The guards said that Fu Hongwei could not see us because he would not cooperate with them.

Director Lu asked again, "Are there any family members who practice Falun Gong?" One Falun Dafa practitioner responded, "Who do you mean? We are his family members, here making a routine visit. What does that have anything to do with this?" Lu knew that he was wrong, and then excused himself by saying that it wasn't a visiting day. We said, "Could you accommodate us since it is not easy for us to come here from a place far away?" Finally, he agreed to let us meet Fu Hongwei after our repeated requests. However, we were asked to show our ID cards and no more than three visitors were allowed to see him.

At 4:05 p.m., two prison wards escorted Fu Hongwei to the visiting room. His face appeared swollen. He said that it was the hormone injection forced upon him before his hunger strike.