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Experiencing Once Again the Great Power of the Boundless Buddha Fa

December 02, 2007 |   By Falun Dafa Practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Because I suffered the CCP's long term persecution--a total of six years in a forced labor camp--my family was poisoned by the CCP's propaganda and had a very strong negative feeling toward me and Falun Gong. Even though we are at the last stage of Fa-rectification, they wouldn't even listen to my explaining the facts, not to mention quitting the CCP and its related organizations.

In my rural hometown, it's considered very shameful if a family has someone in prison: even the other family members will feel embarrassed. Therefore, my brothers all felt shamed because of me. This is also the result of the CCP's defaming us. In fact, my brothers all know that I'm a very good person. However, as soon as I'd talk about Falun Gong with them, they would feel angry and immediately interrupt me, nor would they read truth-clarifying materials. Almost all my relatives are in a similar state, and so clarifying the truth to my family became my biggest problem. As my family members are the closest to me, a Falun Dafa practitioner, they should be saved. However, their negative attitude also affected many folks in my hometown.

Teacher's ingenious arrangements let me again feel the great power of the boundless Buddha Fa. My sister is doing housework for a family in Guangzhou City. The owner of the house is from Malaysia, and they run a very successful business in China. One time my sister casually mentioned that I practice Falun Gong, and that Malaysian told her that people practicing Falun Gong are very welcome in their country. He said that it's easy for practitioners to get jobs and it's like that everywhere outside of China.

Just those few words changed my sister's view toward Falun Gong. She immediately told the relatives in our home town, and the combined effect was great. Not long ago when I went back home, my brothers' attitudes toward me had undergone a huge change. They no longer said anything against me, and their tone of voice became gentle. Even my elderly mother started to speak up for me. From my mother's words I feel that my eldest brother and my sister-in-law had changed their opinion of Falun Gong as well. I took this opportunity and persuaded them to quit the CCP and its related organizations. My brother-in-law immediately agreed to quit the "Communist Young Pioneers". Finally I had opened a door among them, and greatly increased my confidence for clarifying the truth to my family.

That Malaysian businessman's few words seemed simple; however, it's a reflection of the great efforts of the Falun Dafa practitioners in Malaysia and other countries. The beauty of Dafa is displayed through truth clarification and Falun Dafa practitioners' words and actions, which have gradually won recognition and support from people around the world.