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Changing My Notions of Letting Go of Life and Death

May 14, 2007 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Letting go of life and death is a serious test for Falun Dafa practitioners, an important test that every practitioner has to pass. My previous understanding of letting go of life and death was limited to the realization that every cultivator has to pass this test, based on the Fa. However, when the test came and I had to face evildoers and needed to really let go of life and death, my reaction was to do so gradually, with fear deep inside my heart. I held more of a human mindset, "I do not care any more. It is not a big deal to die." I still had the fear of death in my heart!

A few days ago as I was reading Lecture Nine in Zhuan Falun, telling of the severe earthquake in Tangshan City, I suddenly had a different view on death. I realized immediately that the death that the people in the lecture spoke of is not at all scary. On the contrary--it is a kind of relief for one's Primordial Spirit when this physical body is removed, likened to removing a piece of cloth. It is not the real death of a life.

When a person, fooled by lies and human notions, does not know the truth about Falun Gong during the Fa-rectification period, he or she could slander Dafa and harm practitioners cruelly. If such people do not repent and correct their mistakes, they could receive serious karmic retribution. Thus, after they die, losing the physical body, their lives could go to hell or even disintegrate at the very microscopic levels. This is the scariest thing. On the other hand, if people respect nature, are kind to others and endure hardships, they can go to a better place when they die. In addition, if a person lives in the human world and cultivates in Dafa, this person can even go back to his or her original home.

The moment I clearly understood this principle, I no longer had any fear of death. I indeed felt the indescribable happiness and ease and comfort of mind at my level that Master's Fa principles relating to life and death have taught. In the following days, I was totally enveloped in this kind of wonderful feeling and was extremely happy! I also felt the joy of cultivation that came naturally without any pursuit.

One point that I need to state clearly is that letting go of the fear of death in the human world is absolutely different from ending one's life. A person who can truly understand life and death knows the meaning and value of a life and knows that the gods consider ending one's life to be wrong. Falun Dafa practitioners have to ultimately surmount the fear brought by life and death. They must cherish their physical body while truly cultivating, since one can no longer practice the cultivation of mind and body within Falun Dafa if one loses one's physical body.

Published on Apr. 30, 2007