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My Understanding Regarding the Issue of Praising Fellow Practitioners

July 24, 2012 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I felt somewhat uneasy when a practitioner recently commented that I had a clear understanding of the Fa principles. Today as we were preparing to study the Fa, the practitioner said, “I don't know why I can study the Fa better with you than with other practitioners.” I was just getting ready to read but became distracted when I heard her comments. I tried to reject and disintegrate her words so that they would not affect me. I was eventually able to calm down and study the Fa.

I shared my thoughts after we finished the Fa study. I said, “If non-practitioners praise us, that is because of we were effective in validating the Fa. But if practitioners praise each other, what do you think the consequences would be? I think they are human notions. They don't have any positive effects and won't help us raise our xinxing level. Those words can only evoke our human attachments of worshiping others and not treating the Fa as our Teacher. It might also encourage other practitioners' attachment to zealotry, showing off, validating oneself, and breeding demons in one's own mind. Aren't we then hurting fellow practitioners? What kind of elements are we sending to a practitioners' field when we praise them? What are the benefits of praising other practitioners? Aren't we dragging them down, inflating their human attachments, and being fooled by the old forces arrangements? I don't think that is being righteous.”

As soon as we have the thought to praise other practitioners, the old forces arrangement could take advantage of the loophole. They may think, “Didn't you say that you can only study the Fa with her and not with others? If that is the case, we will block her from coming to the Fa study and see if you can study the Fa without her.” Then aren't we waiting to be interfered with? Practitioners' thoughts, words, and actions carry a certain amount of energy and can have an effect in our own field. As long as our thoughts, words, and actions are in accordance with a certain type of element, then those elements might have an effect on us. Thus our thoughts, words, and actions must conform to the standard and requirements of the Fa principles.

I recall when I studied the Fa with another practitioner; she said that I studied the Fa well, with fluency, and without making any mistakes. I asked her to stop praising me, but she continued to do it in front of other practitioners. Her words evoked an attachment in me to my reputation. Therefore, when I studied the Fa I was afraid to make mistakes. When she was around, I focused on reading the Fa with fluency and tried to avoid any mistakes. I didn't even know what I was reading, because my thoughts were focused on reading the Fa well, and not paying attention to the inner meaning of the Fa. Finally, I could no longer study the Fa with her. This practitioner was very good at clarifying the truth to people. She talked to them according to their attachments and often praised them first. Thus people had a good impression of her and were willing to listen. She saved many sentient beings using this method. However, we should not use the same approach with practitioners, because praises could prevent us from seeing our shortcomings and problems, thus, hindering our cultivation.

According to my observation, practitioners who like to praise others often display the following behaviors. They usually don't point out others' shortcomings directly. They want to save face and are vain, and only want to say good things about others in front of them. These are traits of ordinary people. They talk about practitioners' weakness and shortcomings behind their backs. In other words, they don't help other practitioners raise their xinxing level, and instead criticize them when they aren't around. This type of practitioner is not cultivating speech and is creating more karma.

We all know that we should earnestly help each other see our shortcomings and raise our levels. We should communicate and share with each other as soon as problems arise. As long as we choose a suitable time and place to share, and share with compassion and kindness, practitioners can sense our sincerity and are most likely willing to listen, look inward, and appreciate the help. The final result is raising our levels together. This is fulfilling our sacred pre-destined relationship. Practitioners should not praise one another in front of others, and then talk behind each other's back. That is a bad habit from the Communist Party culture.

Those who have a tendency to flatter others should look inward, while those who are moved by such flattery, like myself, should also look inward and let go of attachments to reputation, competition, and jealousy.

I'm sharing this to help raise our xinxing level as a group. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.