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Everything Arranged Well by Master for Suing Jiang Zemin

July 17, 2015 |  

(Minghui.org) Not long after Master's new lecture “Fa Teaching Given at the 2015 New York Fa Conference” was published, I had a dream which I cannot forget. Although I woke up three times during the dream, it continued once I fell asleep again.

I was standing in front of a table on a stage. In a loud voice, I accused Jiang Zemin, the former head of the Chinese Communist regime, for committing numerous crimes.

The current Communist Party leader and a group of officials stood on the side of the audience. It was as if they were glued to the ground while I was speaking, but soon disappeared one after the other. After I woke up, my righteous voice still reverberated in my ears.

Preparing a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin

I realized that Master was telling me to file my criminal complaint against Jiang.

It took me little time to complete my documents the next day. The process was faster than I expected, because all the words were already in my mind.

After I finished, I wondered how to deliver it. I read some articles on the Minghui website about practitioners successfully mailing their complaints. The receiver's address, phone number, and postal codes were readily available.

Reading the many Minghui articles about the subject, I felt the purity of practitioners. This helped strengthen my righteous thoughts, so I planned to go to my hometown and mail my document.

Improving As One Body

I had another dream in early June: I was keeping watch over college examination candidates. After collecting the examination papers, I noticed some of them were not put together correctly. I removed the staples and put them in the correct order.

It was unclear to me what this dream was telling me. Therefore, I started to help fellow practitioners with getting their complaint documents together. Once in my hometown, I helped practitioners there do the same.

My righteous thoughts got stronger in the process. After sharing, practitioners understood the reason why we are suing Jiang. They said that everything is arranged by Master. This finally gave me the idea that my dream was telling me that through standing together to sue Jiang , practitioners form one body and improve as a whole.

Negative Thoughts Hinder Action

While I helped fellow practitioners, I postponed sending my own complaint. I then realized that I was worried that I would be persecuted. This thought was hidden deep in my mind. Although it was not a strong thought, it was still there, and I had not completely removed it.

I even asked a family member to go to the post office and buy the envelopes on the way to my hometown. I felt it was safer. But the envelopes were sold out, which made me even more nervous. These negative thoughts stopped me from sending my complaint.

It took me some time and sharing with my family members, who were also practitioners, to remove my negative thoughts. I sent righteous thoughts in the morning and took my complaint to the post office by noon. I sent righteous thoughts on the way.

“Suing Jiang is not for expressing our grievances, or for getting revenge against those people who are involved in the persecution,” I told myself. “A Fa-rectification period Falun Gong disciple doesn't hate those sentient beings who were deceived. We can only do our best to awaken them, and let them know the truth about Falun Gong. In the process of suing Jiang, we should only hold good thoughts and let go of all human thoughts.”

When I entered the post office, a group of students were there, taking an entrance examination. I calmed down and cleaned out the negative thoughts in my mind. I asked for an express mail form. After I filled out the form, the staff sealed the envelope without reading the envelope. There was no problem.

Thank you, Master, for for arranging everything. I believe he is waiting for practitioners to change their thoughts and step forward.