(Minghui.org) Ms. Dong Haiyuan was arrested on October 25, 2015, by local police and tried on April 13, 2016.

Her case was returned to the Gaobeidian Procuratorate due to a lack of evidence. Ms. Dong's attorney requested that the Procuratorate withdraw the case.

Ms. Dong Haiyuan Arrested and Tried

Ms. Dong is a housewife from Cuizhongwang Village, Gaobeidian City in Baoding area, Hebei Province. A group of officers from the Gaobeidian Domestic Security Division and the Juncheng Police Station broke into her home and arrested her on October 25, 2015. They claimed that someone reported that Ms. Dong practiced Falun Dafa.

The officers ransacked her home and detained her at the Gaobeidian Detention Center. She was later transferred to the Baoding Detention Center.

Ms. Dong had been taking care of her father, who had a brain obstruction. Her father became paralyzed after she was arrested. Ms. Dong's daughter and parents-in-law are now very concerned and have made every possible attempt to rescue Ms. Dong.

The Gaobeidian Court illegally tried Ms. Dong on April 13, 2016. Her attorney Mr. Li Zhongwei pled not guilty. Ms. Dong also defended herself by telling the court how she benefited from practicing Falun Dafa.

Request to Withdraw the Case

Attorney Li was prevented from visiting his client on September 6, 2016. He inquired with the Gaobeidian Court and was informed that Ms. Dong's case had been returned to the Gaobeidian Procuratorate due to a lack of evidence.

The attorney immediately submitted an appeal letter to the Gaobeidian Procuratorate, requesting that they withdraw the case and release Ms. Dong.

Li said he discovered that the Procuratorate sued his client without any facts or evidence after he met with his client and reviewed the case files. The court also found the case lacked evidence during the trial and returned the case back to the Procuratorate.

The attorney also pointed out that Ms. Dong’s making and passing out Falun Dafa materials did not break any Chinese law. The Procuratorate did not provide any evidence to prove that the materials were “cult-related materials.” Li further emphasized that the judicial system should execute the law according to the law.