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Reflecting on True Cultivation

Oct. 17, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Several practitioners in our area have recently experienced sickness karma, and some of them are in serious condition. During the last leg of the Fa-rectification process, it should raise an alarm when there are such frequent occurrences of sickness karma among us. 

While we all call ourselves Dafa disciples, whether we are truly qualified depends on how we cultivate ourselves. Solid cultivation is the prerequisite for everything we do. It is the key to our improvement and is the fundamental criterion to be recognized by Master. How well we cultivate ourselves is a true manifestation of our faith in Master and the Fa.

We should never find excuses not to cultivate ourselves just because some tribulations seem trivial. Some practitioners only consider a life-and-death test a test. They often don’t pay attention to trivial matters in cultivation. Even if they tried, they did not eliminate the attachments completely. They only took care of the surface matter, but the roots were still there. When one runs into a big test, such as serious sickness karma, those hidden attachments will keep one from moving forward or even be used by the evil to take one’s life.

Therefore, a cultivator must take all his or her attachments seriously and cultivate them solidly. No matter how big or small, we should make up our minds to clean up the attachments once and for all.

Whenever senior fellow practitioners feel unwell, most of us think about their age instead of looking at their cultivation state. Getting old is the law of the three realms, and we shouldn’t acknowledge it ourselves. If we evaluate things on the basis of the Fa, we can assess the situation with higher wisdom.

Some practitioners mistake doing Dafa projects as true cultivation. They are very active when it comes to making material and distributing informational materials as well as clarifying the truth face-to-face. They believe doing Dafa projects is the same as cultivating. They may feel that the more they do, the better they cultivate, and others even envy them.

Doing Dafa-related things cannot replace cultivation. When some practitioners focus on doing things and neglect their cultivation, they might still have tribulations. If their understanding of cultivation is limited to doing things, they might develop resentment: “I have been busy saving people and I am so diligent and have done so much—why do I still have so many tribulations?”

I want to bring this up so we can reflect on this issue, and all of us can truly and solidly cultivate ourselves. Only then can we assist Master in rectifying the Fa and accomplishing our historic mission.