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Our Study Group Benefited from Watching the Nine Lectures

Oct. 17, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Three of us practitioners study the Fa together in Jia’s home. Jia has been practicing diligently and helping fellow practitioners for many years. She also acquires truth-clarifying fliers and copies of Minghui Weekly that distributes to practitioners every week. But during the past several years she’s had swollen legs, ulcerated toes, and eye pain. She had not concerned herself about those issues and continued doing the three things every day.

When her son and daughter-in-law came home and saw the condition of her feet, they insisted on taking her to the hospital, where they were told she had high blood sugar. Her son forced Jia to take medication and insulin injections. She suffered inside, knowing that there was a problem in her cultivation. She knelt in front of Master’s photo, crying and asking Master to enlighten her so she could find and correct her omissions.

We worried about her. In early August, 83-year-old fellow practitioner Yi purchased a set of Master’s nine-day lectures and said, “Let’s watch the videos of Master’s teachings, one lecture per day.” I agreed, “Yes, let’s have a nine-day class.”

We planned to send forth righteous thoughts together at 5:55 p.m. every day, then watch the video of Master’s lecture. After that we would do the standing exercises together. We felt good about our plan.

During the first two days, Jia had a lot of flatulence when she was doing the standing exercises. She stepped away as she was embarrassed. She also turned on the fan to help with airflow. I thought the release of flatulence was a good thing, and on the third day, it stopped. Then she said that her eyes no longer hurt and she could see clearly. Seeing that she had a sincere heart for cultivation, Master helped her eliminate karma.

Jia’s confidence increased greatly. She stopped taking the injections and the medication. She studied two or three lectures of the Fa every day and did the exercises for four and a half hours in the morning and evening. She continued to pick up the truth-clarifying materials and clarify the truth, and, at the same time, she found and let go of her hidden resentment.

We would end our sessions around 10:10 p.m. in the evening, and then Yi and I would walk to the bus stop to catch the last bus at 10:40 p.m. While waiting for the bus, Yi would talk to people to clarify the truth about Dafa and persuade them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. Yi speaks clearly. I admired her ability.

We finished watching all the lectures on August 16. I remember that day clearly because the impulse to spit up during the exercises, which I’d had for many years, was gone. I knew that Master had purified my body.

By watching the nine-session lectures together, everyone in our Fa study group witnessed the extraordinary power of Dafa.

Thank you, compassionate great Master!