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Indonesia: Introducing Falun Dafa to Secondary School Students and Staff

Oct. 23, 2022 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Batam

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Batam, Indonesia introduced the Falun Dafa exercises to students and teachers at three secondary schools – SMPN 42, Kartini, and SMPN 31 – in August, September, and October 2022. The students and staff said they felt relaxed, alert, more focused and peaceful after doing the exercises.

Positive Experiences at SMPN 22 

Approximately 600 students and teachers at SMPN 42 Middle School on Batam Island learned the Falun Dafa exercises on August 27, 2022.

An estimated 600 students and teachers at SMPN 42 Middle School on Batam Island were shown the Falun Dafa exercises.

Teachers learning the exercises.

Dafa practitioners and teachers at SMPN 42 Middle School took a group photo at the end of the introductory classes.

Menuel Bashater (Minur Pasaribu), 59, is a teacher at SMPN 42. After learning the Falun Dafa exercises that morning she remarked, “The exercises are wonderful. Falun Dafa’s principles [Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance] taught me to be patient and I feel better after I did the exercises. Although the movements were slow and gentle, my body became warm and I even perspired a little. It is suitable for older people and I am delighted to learn it.”

Nofeandi (Noviandi), 22, a male teacher said, “I thought it was very different from other exercises. Falun Dafa makes me feel great and I feel at peace. My body was aching before I did the exercises but afterwards, I felt much better and I warmed up.”

Laya (Lara), who teaches secondary one students, said, “When I stretched while I did the exercises, I felt something in my back and knees. The movements may look simple but they made me sweat and I’m warm.”

After doing the exercises, third-year student Wesitan (Westian) said, “I felt very relaxed and energized after I did the exercises. My mind became quieter as well.”

Buruian (Brian), another third-year student, noted, “My body felt light and comfortable. I even perspired and felt a little hot.”

Demonstrating the Falun Dafa Exercises at Kartini Secondary School

Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa to around 100 students and staff at Kartini Secondary School on September 8, 2022.

Students at Kartini Secondary School learn the Falun Dafa exercises.

Alaf Youtisi (Arif Yudistira), the principal of Kartini Secondary School, said he would introduce Falun Dafa to more students and teachers in his school.

Alaf Youtisi (Arif Yudistira), principal of the school, shared how he felt after doing the exercises. “Falun Dafa is amazing. It improves one’s health physically and mentally,” he said.

Deputy Principal Kuke Aidun (Kukuh Eko Prasetyo) said, “I am very impressed. This is great. It is a whole new experience for the students and they benefited from it. We heard of Falun Dafa years ago, but this is the first time we personally experienced how great it is. It helps us to be more focused and improves our wellbeing.”

Lili Yoliani (Lili Yuliani), a female teacher who teaches art, said, “I felt very relaxed after learning the exercises. It’s wonderful.”

Supolata (Subrata Bratama), a mathematics teacher, said that the exercises made him feel light. He noted that the movements appear simple but they have surprising effects. He said that he did not feel tired anymore and he warmed up after he did the exercises.

Muhamad (Mohammad Faisaki), a third-year student, shared that his thoughts became tranquil after he did the exercises. He said he loved Falun Dafa. Another third-year student, Aledo (Aldo), also said that he felt very relaxed after the introductory session.

Students and Teachers at SMPN 31 Secondary School Experience the Benefits of Falun Dafa

Falun Dafa introductory classes were held at SMPN 31 Secondary School on Saturday October 15, 2022. Around 300 pupils and staff participated in the session.

Students and teachers at SMPN 31 Secondary School learned the Falun Dafa exercises.

Ms. Silihati (Srihartati), a third-year social sciences teacher, said she felt positive energy from the exercises and the accompanying music. She said it was as if her body was aligned with the universe while she did the exercises.

Budun Lubis (Pudun Lubis), an assistant teacher, said he thought it was a good idea to hold Falun Dafa classes in the school. He believed that staff and pupils can improve their health by doing them.

Michelle, a second-year student, said she felt weak when she left home that morning but felt better after doing the exercises. She said she also felt calmer. Cheryl, another second-year student, said she felt relaxed after attending the session.

Jipu (Gipsan), a third-year student, said he felt light and full of energy after he did the exercises.

Many more teachers and students gave positive feedback after attending the introductory classes. Administrators at some of the schools told practitioners they hoped to arrange regular Falun Dafa exercise classes in the future.