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Displaced Hebei Man Arrested, Held Incommunicado Despite His Medical Condition

Dec. 25, 2022 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) After living away from home for three years to avoid being persecuted for his faith in Falun Gong, Mr. Guo Yuanrong, of Wei County, Hebei Province, was arrested in his nephew’s home in Guangling County, Shanxi Province. His family recently learned that he is suffering some medical condition and has been hospitalized. As the authorities refuse to provide detailed information about him, his family is very worried.

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Mr. Guo, 58, was arrested while working in Guangling County and his wife Ms. Cai Jinchuan was arrested at home in Wei County. Over 30 officers ransacked the couple’s home as well. 

Mr. Guo suffered high blood pressure, high blood sugar and heart palpitations while being held at the Hunyuan County Detention Center in Shanxi Province. He was released on bail after 30 days. Ms. Cai, on the other hand, held a hunger strike at the Zhangjiakou City Women’s Detention Center in Hebei Province and was released on bail eight days later. 

The procuratorate in Xuanhua District, Zhangjiakou City repeatedly summoned the couple after their release and threatened to sentence them to heavy terms. To avoid further persecution, Mr. Guo was first forced to live away from home. After Ms. Cai was taken to the Xuanhua District Court in March 2020 to sign documents of her case, she also decided to live away from home to hide from the police. 

A group of officers led by Zhang Chengfu, the head of Wei County Domestic Security Office, broke into Mr. Guo’s nephew’s home in Guangling County, Shanxi Province on September 8, 2022 and arrested him. He was held at the Hunyuan County Detention Center in Shanxi. 

Mr. Guo’s family twice went to the detention center to look for him, but the guards denied that he was detained there. His family recently learned that he has been taken to a prison hospital in Datong City, Shanxi Province a month ago, but the authorities refused to provide any other information about him.

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