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A Pure Lotus in a Chaotic World – Remembering Fellow Practitioner Zhong Shujuan

Feb. 15, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I learned from Minghui.org that Zhong Shujuan, a fellow Falun Dafa practitioner in Dalian City, Liaoning Province, was persecuted to death in Liaoning Women’s Prison on December 24, 2021. It is difficult for me to express how much I miss her. The compassionate and peaceful look on her face keeps coming back to my mind.

Shujuan started to practice Falun Dafa in 1994 after attending Master Li Hongzhi’s last Falun Dafa lecture in Dalian. After that, she became a completely different person. Her rheumatoid arthritis and other stubborn diseases that seriously tormented her were cured. Her impatient temper improved. She became a person who was eager to help others and was well appreciated by her colleagues.

However, such a good person who kept true to her faith suffered seven arrests and twelve years of unlawful detention.

Brutal Torture and Sexual Abuse at Dalian Forced Labor Camp

At Dalian Forced Labor Camp, Shujuan was locked in solitary confinement because she refused to wear an inmate tag. When she entered the cell, the guards took off her shoes, searched her body, and then stomped on her feet. Then, they took off her clothes, tied her to a small steel rod, and hung her up, with her mouth stuffed with a dirty rag. Her arms were stretched out to her sides in a line, her left leg was tied with the foot facing up, and her right leg was pulled to different directions, causing unbearable pain.

The guards stabbed her feet with small scissors. They put a chair under her and kept moving her private parts against the high corner of the chair. They also kicked her private parts and stabbed her with a pointed mop handle. Consequently, her private parts were torn, festering, and swollen and bled profusely. She cried out due to the pain and spit out the rag stuffed in her mouth. The rope used to tie her down broke during the struggle.

The guards then filled a large Coke bottle with water and poured it into her mouth. When she didn’t open her mouth, they hit her with the bottle, causing her mouth to become very swollen. The guards later brought a pen and a piece of paper and ordered her to write a statement to renounce Falun Gong.

Mental and Physical Torture at Masanjia Labor Camp

When she was later given another term at Masanjia Labor Camp, Shujuan was subjected to brutal torture because she refused to renounce Falun Dafa. She was deprived of the right to sleep. One night, nine inmates covered her nose, face, and neck with sticky notes that had slanderous phrases about Dafa written on them. They put a tall hat on her and put a paper belt, also with words that slandered Dafa around her waist. They then dragged her all over the warehouse, beating her as they went.

They hung her up on a wall and held her hand with force to write statements renouncing Falun Gong, leaving it bruised and battered.

This is just s small part of my recollection of what Shujuan went through in the Masanjia Labor Camp.

Shujuan was later sentenced to 7.5 years in the Liaoning Women’s Prison following her last arrest in 2016, where she suffered long-term torture again and developed breast cancer. She eventually died there after being denied medical parole. While we may never know all the torture she went through at the prison, one thing I heard was that she was not given toilet paper or sanitary pads for half a year, simply because she wouldn’t renounce Falun Dafa.

Staying True to Her Faith and Putting Others First

Shujuan was clear-headed and strong-willed. She never wrote any statements to renounce Dafa while being tortured in brainwashing classes, labor camps, or the prison, even when the prison guards promised to release her as long as she wrote it.

As a result of long-term harassment by the authorities, her daughter suffered a mental breakdown and relied on her for care. She balanced her life well and persisted in going out to the morning and evening markets to distribute Falun Dafa materials and urge people to quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organization, bringing her daughter with her.

One time, when I went to her house at around 8:30 p.m., I saw both her and her husband were making dumplings. When I asked her why she was making dumplings so late, she said, “There are not many people on the street at night. We make dumplings and cook our food at night so that we can spend the time during the day to clarify the facts of Falun Dafa to people.”

Shujuan’s door was always open for fellow practitioners who wanted to improve together. She told fellow practitioners, “Please feel free to come to my home. We can read together. All are welcome.”

On April 10, 2017, at about 4:30 p.m., when the unlawful trial of Shujuan ended at the Ganjingzi Court, we were standing at the entrance. One practitioner shouted her name. She raised her handcuffed hands and waved to where we were standing, and we waved back to her to express our support for her. Little did we know that it would be the last time we would ever see her again.

Shujuan has left us, but her strong will to defy repression will be engraved in our hearts.

Related reports:

Dalian Woman Dies in Prison Three Years After Being Denied Medical Parole

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