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Cultivating While Doing Technical Work

April 9, 2022 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) When I was four years old, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) implemented one of its many “social reform movements”—the Great Leap Forward. As a result people starved, and life was extremely difficult. In addition to there being little to eat I was a picky eater.

My health was poor and my body became swollen. I was later diagnosed with hepatitis as well as stomach and cerebrovascular illnesses which were difficult to treat. I was tormented with illnesses until I was 30 years old. I went to many places for treatment but nothing helped. Due to my health issues I was often in a bad mood. However, I was very devout and went to temples to ask Buddha for blessings.

I first heard about Falun Dafa in 1996 when it was introduced in my area. I didn’t know what it was all about, but my father began to practice, and he often went out with other seniors to spread the Fa. In the past he had suffered from cerebral arteriosclerosis. After he began doing the exercises he recovered.

I worked in the transportation industry so my schedule was very tight. In May 1998 I happened to have two days off. I decided to take a look at the book Zhuan Falunthat my father often read. Reading usually gave me headaches, but unexpectedly I felt increasingly comfortable as I read Zhuan Falun. After reading for three hours I didn’t feel any pain.

I was shocked when I read in the book, “a grain of sand contains three thousand worlds.” (Lecture Eight, Zhuan Falun). I felt that the principles of Falun Dafa were so broad and profound. I wondered why I had waited to read Zhuan Falun.

While reading Zhuan Falun I learned about the true meaning of life, and why people got sick. I threw away all my medicines. I let go of everything and concentrated only on cultivation, and my health gradually improved. I went from being weak and sickly to being healthy, happy, and optimistic. Even riding a bicycle uphill became easy—it was as if someone was pushing me, just as Master described in Zhuan Falun.

Master Protects Me

When I had severe pain in my stomach and liver, I called out “Master” and the pain stopped immediately. When I was driving a vehicle on a downhill curve I suddenly felt pain in my stomach, liver, and my head at the same time. At the critical moment, I immediately thought of Master. I put my right hand in the upright position in front of my chest to send righteous thoughts and continued to ask Master for help. The pain stopped instantly.

Master said,

“If a debt is owed, it must be paid. Therefore, some dangerous things may occur in the course of cultivation. When these things take place, however, you will not be scared, and neither will real danger be allowed to happen to you.” (Lecture Three, Zhuan Falun)

Were it not for Master’s protection, the consequences would be unthinkable. I was extremely grateful to Master for saving my life!

Assisting Master in Fa Rectification

CCP leader Jiang Zemin launched an unprecedented nationwide persecution against Falun Dafa in July 1999, targeting millions of practitioners. We lost our peaceful cultivation environment. The CCP spread lies to deceive people worldwide. In order to refute these lies, Master published new lectures to guide us in our cultivation. We shifted from personal cultivation to cultivation in the Fa-rectification period. By reading the teachings I understood that we were cultivating in the Fa-rectification period, and learned about the great mission that practitioners shoulder.

I fully devoted myself to doing the three things in the second half of 2002. Through systematically reading Master’s teachings, I felt the importance and urgency of clarifying the truth.

Local practitioners discussed the situation, and we talked to people every day. In the beginning, we mostly clarified the facts by talking to people face-to-face. To me the effect was not good enough. Without information that people could take home and read I felt it may not be enough to keep up with Master’s progress of Fa-rectification. I felt that providing printed materials was very necessary.

Establishing Materials Production Sites

I’ve always been interested in technology, so I thought of taking a computer training class to learn how to make informational brochures and DVDs about Dafa. Unexpectedly, another practitioner suggested I go to the city to learn computer technology so I could help establish materials production sites. As soon as I had the wish, it really came true!

Master made it clear,

“These things are arranged by the master and performed by the master. Therefore, it is said that cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while transforming gong is done by one’s master. You can only have such a wish and think about it like that, but it is the master who actually does these things.” (Lecture Two, Zhuan Falun)

Compassionate Master saw that I had the heart to make materials, so he paved the way for me and fulfilled my wish. With help from fellow practitioners, a fully functional family-based materials production site was established within a month.

Eliminating Interference and Cultivating Diligently

I devoted myself to making Dafa informational materials from 2004 to 2005, and mastered the techniques of machine maintenance. I often purchased supplies, delivered the finished materials, repaired machines, and helped set up other production sites for practitioners in our city and the surrounding areas. Many materials production sites were established in our city.

I went in and out of my home with bags of materials all day long until 2011. I left early and returned late—which aroused the suspicion of my neighbors and the community management. I was so busy I couldn’t keep up with my Fa study.

I looked inside and found my attachment to doing things. I immediately tried to rectify my shortcomings based on the Fa, so the old forces couldn’t take advantage of my loopholes. For safety reasons, I had the idea of leaving home and planned to find a job watching a construction site. I didn’t care how much it paid, as long as it didn’t interfere with my Dafa-related work.

With this one thought Master arranged for me to work as a guard watching sewage equipment within one month. I was told not to leave the room. However, I used the supernatural power given by Master and guarded the room with righteous thoughts. For instance, if I needed to go to a materials production site to make repairs, I asked Master to put divine beings on guard in the room while I went out, and not have the managers come to check. Under Master’s arrangement, I steadily walked on the path of validating the Fa.

I returned home in 2017. The community management came to interfere from time to time, but they could not affect what I was doing. I am very grateful for Master’s arrangements and fellow practitioners’ selfless help.

I left home on July 20, 2019, and went to stay in the home of a practitioner couple. The couple was forced to leave their home due to persecution. I later learned that just a few days after I left my home, staff from the community management blocked the road and took my wife to the neighborhood committee. They threatened her, attempting to make her tell them my whereabouts. My wife refused to cooperate and just told them that I had gone out to work. She also told them the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa.

Doing technical work is not easy and I often run into issues that I don’t know how to resolve. I ask other technical practitioners for suggestions and sometimes go to local repair shops for help. In addition to repairing equipment, I also make materials myself, so my schedule is full every day. Although it is very difficult, I know that I’m a Dafa practitioner, and I have to endure the toughest hardships of all. With help from Master and the Fa, there is nothing I can’t accomplish. With Master’s help and protection, many seemingly difficult problems are easily resolved.

Dafa disciples are one, unified body. When materials production sites from neighboring counties, districts, or towns need assistance, even if it is 50 miles away, I never refuse. I go there on the electric bike that Master arranged for me, make the repairs, and come back the same day. Along the way I always recite the Fa or send forth righteous thoughts. I ask Master to help me, and divine beings to dismantle the old forces’ arrangements so that I can smoothly get to the practitioners’ sites and safely return home.

Master Protected Me in Dangerous Situations

I’ve had many miraculous experiences. In May 2019, the CCP began harassing us by coming to Dafa practitioners’ homes. One morning at around 10 a.m. I was repairing the printer at a practitioner’s home when we suddenly heard someone knocking very loudly on the door. The other practitioners closed the door to the room where I was making repairs, and then opened the main door. As soon as I heard the conversation, I knew that the situation was not good. I immediately sat in the full lotus position and sent strong righteous thoughts. I asked Master to help put a cover around the room so that the police would not be able to open the door.

I overheard a police officer and a residential management staff member. They told the practitioner couple to cooperate. Instead of cooperating, the couple clarified the truth to them. The officer then called for other police officers and asked for a police car, but the other side replied, “The police car is not working and needs to be repaired.”

The officer then wanted to open the door to the room I was in. As he turned the handle he said, “I heard someone in the room.” He then asked the practitioners for the key. One said calmly, “This is my daughter-in-law’s room. She went out to work and didn’t give me the key.” The police shook the knob very hard, but the door remained closed. After a while, the practitioners’ little granddaughter returned home from school.

Seeing an opportunity, the officer wanted to deceive the little girl and get the key from her. She knew that they were not good people, however, so she said, “My mom has it. She didn’t leave it with us.” In the end, the police and the management staff left empty-handed. In fact, the door was not locked, but the police just could not open it. I was safe given Master’s protection.

When delivering materials to other practitioners, there were often times that I arrived soon after the police left, or the police arrived soon after I left. Each time, Master’s compassionate protection helped me get through the dangerous situation.

With the rapid advancement of Master’s Fa-rectification progress, the time left is very limited. I will cultivate myself well, cherish the precious opportunity that Master has extended for us, take every step well, give my best effort, and return to my true origin with Master.