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Huesca, Spain: Falun Gong Signature Drive in the Historic Province of Aragon

Oct. 23, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Spain

(Minghui.org) Spanish Falun Gong practitioners gathered in the Plaza Navarra in the ancient city of Huesca in northern Spain on October 8, 2023, to promote Falun Dafa and expose the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s persecution of its practitioners. They also told people about the CCP’s unconscionable forced organ harvesting from living practitioners. Many local residents and tourists heard the facts and signed a petition condemning the CCP’s atrocities. They also called for an end to the persecution.

Spanish Falun Gong practitioners held activities on Plaza Navarra in the ancient city of Huesca in northern Spain on October 8.

People sign a petition condemning the CCP’s atrocities, and calling for an end of the persecution.

Huesca is the capital of the province of Aragon and the birthplace of the historic Kingdom of Aragon. The Sierra de Guara mountain range can be seen from the city, so it is called the “Gateway to the Pyrenees.” It is a beautiful city with pleasant natural scenery and a rich cultural and historical heritage. Thousands of tourists visit every year.

Plaza Navarra, in the center of the city, is surrounded by ancient buildings of historic significance. It retains the tradition of ancient Spanish squares and is the primary place for people to visit, gather, rest, and walk.

It was the first time that such an activity had ever been held in Huesca, so it was the first time many people had ever heard about Falun Gong. The practitioners introduced the spiritual practice and raised awareness of the persecution in China. Passersby read the posters and brochures to find out about the practice and about the persecution and the organ harvesting crimes from living practitioners in China. People were angry and shocked that the CCP would commit such atrocities. Many bypassers, including those who lived in the area and tourists, condemned the CCP. They signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution.

Andres and Feli

Andres and Feli passed by the Falun Gong information booth as they were shopping in the city. They expressed their indignation at the CCP’s persecution and organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners and signed the petition.

They knew that the CCP was a dictatorship, but they never imagined that such a heinous atrocity like organ harvesting could be taking place in this day and age. They hope that the persecution will stop as soon as possible and that the people of China can also have freedom of belief.

Paulo and Danis believe the CCP’s crime of organ harvesting from living persons is a disgrace to mankind.

Paulo and Danis did not know that the CCP persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and harvested organs from living people. They were shocked that the CCP could commit such atrocities and signed the petition without hesitation. Paul said, “It is such a shame that such evil is occurring today!”

A group of young people learn the Falun Gong exercises.

A group of young people were interested in learning the Falun Gong exercises. After they had heard the facts, they signed the petition and then learned the exercises.