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Canada: People Learn to Practice Falun Dafa at the Toronto International Snowmobile, ATV & Powersports Show

Oct. 26, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Toronto, Canada

(Minghui.org) The 36th Annual Toronto International Snowmobile, ATV & Powersports Show was held at the International Centre in Toronto, Canada, October 20-22, 2023. This event is the largest snowmobile exhibition in the world and the exhibition hall is about 46,000 square meters. Many winter sports enthusiasts came to see the latest snowmobiles, ATVs and powersports.

Practitioners set up a booth at the event and introduced Falun Dafa to visitors. They demonstrated the five exercises and read a couple of sections of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, to tell people how to cultivate one’s mind and body.

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises during the exhibition.

People learn about Falun Dafa.

“My worries and troubles are forgotten”

Steve said he felt relaxed after doing the Falun Dafa exercises.

Steve is one of the staff organizers. While setting up their booth, a practitioner realized that the location was close to the stage, so it was noisy. Practitioners asked for a quieter area so that they could introduce Falun Dafa and show people how to meditate. Steve helped them switch to a quieter spot and said he would come back and learn the exercises.

Steve later returned and learned the exercises. He said, “I was under a lot of stress. I felt like I was immersed in a world of my own after doing the exercises and all my worries and troubles were forgotten. I was able to get peace of my mind. I want to do the exercises and make it a part of my daily routine. I’d like to close my eyes and practice the movements with the music without thinking about anything.”

A practitioner explained that the Falun Dafa exercises elevate people. Besides doing the exercises, practitioners also follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Steve said, “I can feel the energy circulating here. This places feels peaceful and good. People can feel practitioners’ tolerance and kindness. I think everyone should come and learn Falun Dafa.”

“I feel comfortable and renewed.”

Ben (left) and Andrew (right) learned the Falun Dafa exercises.

Ben and Andrew visited the practitioners’ booth in the morning. After they did the first four exercises, Ben said, “I feel very comfortable and relaxed.”

Andrew agreed, “Yes, I feel the same. I feel comfortable and rested.”

Ben pointed to Andrew and asked practitioners, “He smokes. Are the Falun Dafa exercises good for his lungs?”

A practitioner said, “Practicing Falun Dafa helps people quit smoking. It may be hard at first, but after reading Zhuan Falun and abiding by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, one will be able to quit smoking.”

Andrew smiled and said, “I will read Zhuan Falun.”

Ben said, “I will make sure he reads Zhuan Falun and quits smoking. I don’t want to see him in such poor health when he is not even 30 years old. I think the practice will also benefit me. It will help me get rid of fatigue and relieve stress.”

“Falun Dafa relaxes my body and calms my mind.”

Andre (right) said he feels at peace and relaxed after practicing the Falun Dafa exercises.

Andre is a salesman and says he often searches the Internet for methods to help him relax. He’s also looked into Chinese acupuncture and qigong practice methods. Andre was immediately drawn to the practitioners’ booth and said he wanted to learn how to practice Falun Dafa.

After practicing the exercises he said, “I like learning the exercises in person. The practitioner corrected my movements and taught me step by step. The practice requires one to stretch and then relax. Even my mind relaxed.”

Andre added, “My body feels heavy after working out or running. However, qigong practice is slow. It relaxes my body and I am able to have a tranquil mindset. Falun Dafa also requires one to achieve Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and it makes me feel genuinely calm. My body and organs feels harmonized.”

A practitioner told him about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa. He was shocked, “I’ve often seen on the news that the CCP is persecuting Chinese people. People know that the CCP strips away people’s freedom and takes away their freedom of thought and belief. I cannot believe this is still happening. I will tell people about this persecution.”

Children Interested in Practicing Falun Dafa

Jeremiah and his daughter Leah.

Leah said she felt great after she did the Falun Dafa exercises.

Jeremiah is from Nunavut, the largest and northernmost territory of Canada. He moved to Ottawa a month ago and came to the exhibition with his daughter, Leah.

Jeremiah said, “I am not used to all the greenery and traffic after coming to the city. I used to live away from the outside world in the north. I am used to a solitary and quiet life. I wanted my daughter to learn the practice after we saw the Falun Dafa booth. Meditating allows us to take a break from our busy schedule and examine our minds.

After learning about the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Jeremiah said, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance should be a part of people’s every day life. I need to learn about it in depth so that I can understand and reflect on the meaning of these three principles.”

Leah learned to practice the Falun Dafa exercises while Jeremiah talked with a practitioner. Leah learned the first, third and fourth standing exercises. She said, “I feel awesome and relaxed.” Jeremiah also noticed the changes in her and said, “She usually gets agitated easily, but she is calm now.”

Jeremiah said after learning about the CCP’s ongoing 24 years of persecution, “The persecution is wrong. How can a group of people who cultivate their hearts and believe in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance be persecuted? How can such a great practice be forbidden in China?”

Ali (right) learns the exercises.

Ali, a student, noticed the practitioners’ booth and read the introduction to Falun Dafa. He told practitioners that he wanted to learn the exercises.

After he did the first exercise, Ali said, “I never tried this before. I feel really good. I read about the free of charge online teaching classes on the flyers. I will continue doing the exercises at home. I will also abide by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be a better person. This way I will have a carefree mind and I like this way of life.”

Ashley and her three children learn about Falun Dafa.

Ashley came to the booth with her three children, and they stopped and watched practitioners while they demonstrated the exercises. The children wanted to learn the exercises when practitioners explained the practice to them.

Ashley said, “Although my children are usually very active, they were drawn to the calm atmosphere and wanted to learn the exercises. I absolutely agree with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. This practice will benefit the children and help them calm down.”