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Problems Resolved and Not Slacking Off When It Comes to Letting People Know the Truth about Dafa

Oct. 30, 2023 |   By Chang Jinhua, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) My husband and I are both in our 70s, and every day we study the Fa at home in the morning and go out to clarify the facts to people in the afternoon.

Saving People without Slacking Off

Many people from out of town come to work at construction sites in our neighborhoods, and every day we go out to urge them to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations and give them Dafa keepsakes.

We often walk close to 20 kilometers a day. Due to dug up pipelines, the road tends to be a mess, and we often get mud and dirt all over us, but we don’t care. We have talked to every person who comes to work in our area, and Dafa gives me the courage to talk even large groups of people.

Once, there were about 25 people at a construction site, I told them the facts about Falun Dafa while my husband sent forth righteous thoughts. When the manager came, I successfully persuaded him to quit the CCP organizations and told him how wonderful Dafa is. He shook my hand before we left. At most, my husband and I have persuaded 113 people to quit CCP organizations in a day, over 7,000 people to in one year.

Once I clarified the facts to three young students and they agreed to quit the Young Pioneers. Then my husband noticed that a man was following us. I walked on quickly for a while, when a voice said in my ear, “Face it.” I turned around, looked straight at the man, and said, “You are a good person, and Dafa is saving people.” He said, “You can go.” After that my husband and I made it home safe and sound.

Miraculously Surviving a Gas Leak

One night when I was 66 years old, the gas in my home was leaking but we didn’t realize it. My husband, my young granddaughter, and I were poisoned by the gas, so the next morning at 9 a.m. we were still in bed, able to talk but unable to get up. When my daughter-in-law came to pick up my granddaughter, she opened the door and smelled the gas. My granddaughter threw up a lot after being moved outside, but my husband and I were fine. My daughter-in-law bought a new water heater for us the next day. People who heard about this said, “You were fine even after being poisoned by gas for a whole night—it’s really a miracle.”

Once when I was about to put a lamp on the dining table, there was a short in the electrical cord. My hands stuck to the lamp, and I could not put it down or speak. At that moment, my mind was clear and I asked Master to rescue me. A force suddenly pushed me back a step. I crouched down, unplugged the wire, and sat on the floor. I was fine.

On two occasions, I forgot about water boiling on the stove. The water boiled over, dousing the flames, and the stove leaked natural gas for more than an hour before I realized it and turned it off. There was no danger either time. We are both grateful and knew it was Master who protected us.