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Hannover, Germany: Activities Draw Support for Falun Gong

Nov. 12, 2023 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Germany

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners held activities near the Hannover Railway Station Inn on November 4, 2023. They introduced the spiritual practice to the public and protested the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution. 

Given the practitioners’ hard work over the past years, many local people have received fliers, and others have learned more on the Internet. While the practitioners were still setting up a booth, some passersby already stopped to sign the petition calling for an end to the persecution.

From time to time, people thanked practitioners for raising awareness over the years, and telling them about Falun Gong and the CCP’s ongoing brutal persecution. 

That afternoon, a man brought two cups of coffee to the practitioners and said, “Thank you for everything you have done here.” 

Passersby sign the petition calling for an end to the persecution at the event in Hannover on November 4, 2023. 

A couple who immigrated to Germany from Kazakhstan many years ago asked in detail what Falun Dafa is about, and why the CCP initiated the persecution. A practitioner told them that the CCP began to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999 because the number of practitioners exceeded the number of CCP members, which aroused the jealousy of then Party head Jiang Zemin.

The couple said that they had experienced the communist system in the former Soviet Union, so they could imagine the persecution that would happen under a dictatorship. Both of them signed the petition and wished the practitioners all the best before leaving. The practitioner also gave them bookmarks with the Minghui website address printed on them so that they could surf the Internet and find out more about Falun Gong and the persecution.

Two young men learn about the CCP’s persecution. 

Falun Gong practitioners’ activities also drew the attention of young people. Two young men said that they had heard about live organ harvesting in China, but they did not understand what it was about. So a practitioner explained everything in detail. “According to more than 10 years of investigation by independent and internationally renowned experts, China performs between 60,000 and 100,000 organ transplant surgeries every year. The main source of organs is Falun Gong practitioners, and the number is much higher than what the Chinese Communist government announced. China is now the country with the largest number of transplants.”

After listening to the practitioner’s explanation, the two young people said that the information was very important. They hoped that more people would know the CCP’s crimes of organ harvesting from living people and refuse transplant operations in China. Later, both of them signed the petition.

A young couple learns of the book: Minghui Report: The 20-Year Persecution of Falun Gong in China

A young couple learned about the CCP’s persecution at the venue. When a practitioner told them that the book, Minghui Report: The 20-Year Persecution of Falun Gong in China, recorded in detail about the persecution, they asked asked to buy the book. 

A woman (middle) and her two companions signed the petition. 

A woman and her two companions stopped at the booth, were given information about Falun Gong, and signed the petition. The woman said what she learned was important, and she planned to post the information on her website.