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The 20th China Fahui Articles Helped Me Identify My Fundamental Attachment

Nov. 27, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I recently read the articles from the 20th China Fahui. They were very touching. Fellow practitioners’ articles vividly demonstrate what genuine cultivation is. Encouraged by their stories, I calmly recited the Fa and covered more than 10 pages in Zhuan Falun this morning.

I suddenly realized that my fundamental attachment is seeking benefits before cultivating, similar to the two cultivators mentioned in the article Golden Buddha (With Master’s Comments). When the Buddha asked them if they dared to jump into a pot of hot oil, they waited until they saw another do so and transform into a golden Buddha. Only then did they jump in. However, they turned into two pieces of fried dough. I had not identified my attachment to getting benefits until now.

I went university in the 1980s, so I was heavily influenced by atheism, the theory of evolution, and modern distorted notions. In 2008, I read the main text of Falun Dafa, Zhuan Falun. I also learned the five exercises. However, due to the persecution, I wondered if there were other practices to cultivate.

It took me four months to visit temples and monks practicing cultivation in the mountains. I found that those monks and Taoist priests had no idea what cultivation truly meant. Nothing could compare to the profound content of Falun Dafa.

A fellow practitioner’s son, a young practitioner, once saw a Falun (Law Wheel) on my body through his celestial eye, which prompted me to start practicing again.

By reading fellow practitioners’ articles, I identified the gaps in my cultivation and found my fundamental attachments.