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Anlu City, Hubei Province: Eight Falun Gong Practitioners Detained, Two in Precarious Conditions

Nov. 29, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Eight Falun Gong practitioners in Anlu City, Hubei Province who were arrested between August and November 2023 are still being held in custody. One of them is in serious condition after over one month of hunger strike. Another is experiencing high blood pressure and numbness in her limbs due to the mental pressure she faced in the brainwashing center.

Two Practitioners’ Lives in Danger

Ms. Kong Jiuhong was arrested on October 24, 2023 and taken to the Changsong Brainwashing Center. She has been on a hunger strike since the day of her arrest. The police transferred her to the Yunmeng Detention Center in a nearby county in early November. Zou Chaoyang, the director of Anlu City Domestic Security Office, promised to her family on November 17 that he would soon release her on bail, only to transfer her to the Hanchuan Rehabilitation Hospital on November 22 for continued detention.

In addition to Ms. Kong, another practitioner, Ms. Yang Furong, 57, is also experiencing some symptoms while in custody. Ms. Yang was arrested on November 15 by officers of the Anlu City Domestic Security Office and Wangyizhen Police Station. Her home was ransacked. The police didn’t inform her family of her detention location. It took them much effort to find out that she was taken to the Changsong Brainwashing Center.

Due to the intimidation and intensive brainwashing for her to renounce Falun Gong, Ms. Yang began to experience high blood pressure and numbness in her hands and feet. The authorities secretly transferred her to the Puai Hospital on November 18. When her family found out about her whereabouts and went to the hospital to visit her, a female officer took photos of her children.

Six Other Arrests

Ms. Liu Ping was arrested on August 11. The Anlu City Domestic Security Office initially told her family that they would release her on August 25. But when her family went to the local lockup to pick her up on that day, the police refused to release her and also barred her family from visiting her. She was later transferred to a detention center and has been held there since. Between August 11 and 25, the police pried open her door and ransacked her home.

Ms. Xu Guiyun was arrested at home at around 11 a.m. on September 19 when she was preparing lunch. Ms. Sun Youlan, Ms. Mao Cuiying and Ms. Shi Liying, around 70, were arrested at around the same time. The four of them were taken to the Changsong Brainwashing Center.

Ms. Wu Xiufang, 72, was arrested on October 24 and taken to the Changsong Brainwashing Center.

According to an insider, officials of the Hubei Province Anti-cult Association arrived in Anlu City on the evening of November 22. They held meetings with various community committees the next day to devise further plans to persecute local Falun Gong practitioners.

Related report:Hubei Woman’s Life in Danger While on Hunger Strike for 18 Days and Counting