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Let Go of Self Interest and Be a Good Person

Dec. 12, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa 26 years ago—beginning in the spring of 1997. Because I have many siblings money was always tight. My father passed away when we were children, so I joined the army and went to Liaoning Province after graduating from high school. I was later transferred to Beijing where I learned about Falun Dafa. I was married in Shandong Province.

There are many people in my big family, so there were conflicts. Like everyone else I pursued money. However, after I began to practice Falun Dafa I followed Master’s guidance and cultivated my xinxing. I took a loss in order to put my siblings’ interests first when it came to money. I wanted to show people how wonderful Falun Dafa is.

I Gave Up My Farm LandI grew up in a village where land is the farmers’ lifeblood. Some fought over the borders between neighboring properties and there were constant conflicts. I worked in the city for more than 30 years, but I owned an acre of land which was farmed by my brothers. They always kept the income from the produce. I acted as if I didn’t know it. I bought gifts for them every year when I visited my hometown to see my mother.

I once asked my older brothers and sisters-in-law for five yuan for living expenses when I was in high school. They did not give me a penny. I was young at that time and I was very angry about it.

After practicing Dafa, I understood that all this might have been caused by karmic issues from past lifetimes. Thus, I no longer resented them. I thought I should treat my brothers well, so I brought them gifts when I went home. I also clarified the truth about Dafa to them.

I Gave Up the HomesteadThe uncultivated wasteland in rural areas belongs to whoever occupies it. My father and I planted a dozen poplar trees next to a large pit. From then on, the pit and those poplar trees was the only property I called my own in my hometown.

My third sister-in-law has two grandsons, but she has no homestead. She asked if I still wanted the big pit, and implied that she wanted to build a house for her grandson. I said just go ahead. The land was about 1.2 acres after the pit was filled in. My third sister-in-law’s family sold the 10 poplar trees for 800 yuan after getting my consent. They offered me the money. I declined and let them have it all.

A brother-in-law asked, “What are you going to do when you get old, now that you’ve given your homestead away?” He implied that I would not have a place to be buried when I died.

I remembered that Master removed my name from hell, and my life had been rearranged. My heavenly world was already prepared. I just needed to cultivate myself. I no longer wanted to compete for the things in this world. I replied that we didn’t need to cause conflicts over ownership. The third sister-in-law needed it, so I just let her have it. From then on, I no longer owned anything in my hometown.

Being Kind to My Parents-in-lawMy parents-in-law are kind-hearted people. They basically understand the truth about Dafa. They also endured a lot when I was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I was arrested and taken to a detention center when my child was less than one month old. Then I was put in a forced labor camp for three years. My parents-in-law helped my wife raise our child. The second time I was detained, my father-in-law went to the detention center with my son and demanded that I be released.

My father-in-law was a diabetic. His blood sugar level was as high as 16, but he took medicine to control it, bringing it down to 8. However, he drank and paid no attention to his diet. He ate whatever he wanted, but had no health complications; it didn't affect his ability to do odd jobs, including construction. I knew that he had been blessed.

He liked to come to my home. I always bought him good wine and delicious food. He was able to take care of himself until just before he died. He was in the hospital for only three days, and I spent those three days with him in the hospital.

His son would not spend any money on a funeral for him. So I made the arrangements. The relatives all praised me.

My mother-in-law had no support after he died, and she was often abused by her daughter-in-law. Her teeth were weak, yet she was fed cucumber, which she could not chew. My wife and I brought her food and money every week after we learned about her situation.

My father-in-law’s sister stayed at my home each year when she visited us for the past 20 years. We provided room and board for her family and did not complain.

Because we behaved well for so many years, we are highly regarded by my wife’s relatives and they followed our example.

Letting Others Have the Credit

I was arrested and persecuted by the 610 Office agents at my workplace. My coworkers didn’t know much about Falun Dafa at the time. Due to the CCP’s nationwide propaganda, they had a negative perception of Dafa. I decided to validate the Fa with my behavior. I followed the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. I was upright, diligent, conscientious, and responsible at work.

I got good results after years of hard work. I was rated a superior performer at the municipal-level for many years. My work also helped our unit repeatedly win the superior unit award. The documents I developed were copied by other departments.

One day the president of the company told me that the vice mayor saw one of my articles and was impressed; he thought I was capable to take on the job of a city secretary. Unfortunately, our company was in a different management track and I couldn’t be transferred. I said it didn’t matter where I worked, as long as the vice mayor acknowledged our good work. From then on, the company’s negative view of Falun Dafa practitioners changed. They promoted me to mid-level manager and had me participate in major policy decisions.

I did not care about fame, or expanding my reputation. I did not want to have too much honor, so as to avoid creating pressure for colleagues. I gave up my superior performance rating and let others have it many times.

I circulated the edition of Minghui Weekly with Master’s new article “How Humankind Came to Be” among the offices. After reading it, a department manager said emotionally, “One needs to be moral and should have faith.”

Influenced by Dafa, our department’s employees were among the best in employee attendance rate, moral character, and demonstrating traditional culture. When people mentioned my personality, moral character, and work ability, they all gave me a thumbs up.

Dealing With a Sudden Tribulation

I fell on the side of a busy highway while riding my electric motorcycle in 2021. I clearly heard the sound of bones cracking when my right shoulder landed. I immediately lost consciousness. But I thought I am a Dafa practitioner, and shouted in my heart, “Master, save me.” I regained consciousness and stood up. But I could not move my right arm, and the pain was severe. I endured the pain, picked up the electric motorcycle, and rested on a nearby step.

During lunch, I had difficulty holding chopsticks with my right hand. I couldn’t move when I lay down on my lunch break. I couldn’t turn over and I could only lay flat. I had to use my left hand to help me get up. It hurt so much that I was sweating.

I couldn’t sleep and just recited, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-forbearance is good.” A phone call woke me up after I had just fallen asleep. It was the president. He said that the provincial inspection team was coming to our unit tomorrow morning, and he wanted me to be prepared. I agreed without hesitation. If I was not a practitioner I would have been hospitalized and would not care about the work.

I felt it was an opportunity for me to validate Dafa. I pushed myself up with my left hand. I drove my car with one hand since I could no longer ride the motorcycle. At work, I grabbed my right hand with my left hand and put it on the mouse. I endured the pain and worked until 8:30 p.m. and basically finished all the preparation work.

I lay down for an hour after I read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa. I was in so much pain that I couldn’t sleep. I knew Master was eliminating karma for me and allowing me to repay a debt. I struggled to get u when it was time to do the morning exercises. I was unable to do the first four exercises, so I did the fifth exercise, the meditation. Finding I could do the hand signs well, I knew my bones and coordination were fine. I felt happy and was grateful to Master for protecting me from breaking my bones. I went to work early in the morning to finish the previous day’s work and give things a final check. Then I updated the president, letting him know that everything was ready.

The provincial inspection team arrived on time. After checking every item, we passed the inspection and were given a high score. We ranked among the best in the city. The president and managers all said that only I could have done the job, given the short amount of time and the difficulty of the tasks. When my manager learned that I injured my arm and endured pain to complete the unexpected assignment, they once again praised me.

I am grateful to Master for extending the time for us to save people, and giving sentient beings and I hope.