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The Importance of Sending Righteous Thoughts

Feb. 23, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Of the three things that Falun Dafa practitioners are asked to do (studying the Fa, sending righteous thoughts, and clarifying the facts), I paid the least attention to sending righteous thoughts.

Master Li Hongzhi said,

“Let me tell you, all those who remain and that can persecute Dafa and Dafa disciples are due to our students themselves. Students who haven’t taken sending forth righteous thoughts seriously: the evil in the dimensions that you are supposed to shoulder and be responsible for has not been eliminated. That’s the cause. So you must take sending forth righteous thoughts seriously. No matter whether you think you have the ability or not, you should do it. What you eliminate from your own mind are ones which have an effect within the expanse of your own body; at the same time, you need to eliminate the external ones, which are directly related to the dimensions you’re in. If you don’t eliminate them, then they not only persecute you and restrain you, but also persecute other students, other Dafa disciples.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume II)

I felt drowsy and almost fell asleep while sending righteous thoughts at midnight. Afterwards, I had a terrible dream: Several people and I were in a revolving house while monsters tried to attack us from outside. The monsters grabbed anyone who accidentally touched the walls. The doors opened at set times, allowing the monsters to reach in and grab people. Screaming in panic, people fled in all directions. I was so frightened that I hid on top of a wardrobe.

When I woke up from the nightmare, it was 6:28 a.m. I was very disappointed at myself for missing the time for sending righteous thoughts again after reading Master’s Fa the night before.

I made up my mind to get up at 6:00 every morning to send righteous thoughts. After persisting for a few days, I felt that my environment was clear, and I had fewer distracting thoughts. I was also able to focus when I read the Fa.

Saving People During the COVID Lockdown

In November 2022, my mother, who is a fellow practitioner, insisted on taking me back to our hometown. I thought it was too inconvenient to leave at night and wanted to travel the next morning. I could not convince my mother, however, so we left that night.

I heard that my building was locked down two to three hours after we left because some residents tested positive for COVID. All the entrances and exits were closed and guarded day and night.

The neighbors suffered a lot during the seven-day lockdown. They said the tremendous psychological pressure of worrying about being infected was the worst. I realized this incident could be a way for them to eliminate their karma and lay a foundation for them to be saved in the future.

Without knowing the truth, some neighbors helped the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) monitor me after I was caught on a surveillance camera for distributing information about Falun Dafa in late 2021. After being followed for six months, I was arrested on June 18, 2022. I later learned that my neighbors participated in the persecution.

The neighbors who had monitored me were shocked to learn that I left the building just before the lockdown. Afterward, they stopped participating in the persecution.

In the past, I did not do enough to save my neighbors by helping them quit the CCP. I slacked off in clarifying the facts about Dafa and the persecution, so the old forces took advantage of my loopholes and made it harder for me to save people. I knew I had to do better. With guidance from Master and the Fa, I should do my best to improve, do a good job of clarifying the facts, and make up for the losses I caused.

My Husband Gives Me a Thumbs Up

I told my husband to recite the auspicious phrases, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” which has the power to save lives at critical times. As a non-practitioner, he didn’t believe it.

My husband tested positive for COVID on December 22, 2022. Two days later, I tested negative and was able to take a scheduled exam. However, on December 25, I had a sore throat, fever, and body aches, the same symptoms as my husband’s.

I immediately looked inward and realized that I had become complacent. I had a strong desire to show off in front of my husband because he was sick in bed, while I was healthy and even able to sit for an exam.

I immediately sent righteous thoughts and asked for Master’s blessing. I knew I should correct my shortcomings based on the Fa. I believed that Master would never arrange for me to eliminate karma by being sick. Dafa disciples should be healthy to validate Dafa and save the people around them.

After I did the exercises, I felt much better. I went out to buy groceries that evening with a practitioner family member and clarified the facts to people. I felt good after returning home. However, when I lay down to sleep, I had a severe headache. So I kept sending righteous thoughts to cleanse the evil specter of communism from my body. I also recited the phrases to assimilate every one of my cells with the universal principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

When I woke up at 4 a.m., my temperature had returned to normal, and the headache was gone. I then joined the morning exercise session with other Dafa practitioners around the world. After sending righteous thoughts at 6 a.m., I went back to sleep and felt fine afterward.

My husband was astonished to see me back to normal in just one day, while he had a fever for four days. He was still coughing on January 5th. He gave me a thumbs up and said, “Those phrases are really powerful.” I replied, “Please remember them. In the future, be supportive when I clarify the facts to your colleagues and relatives. Practitioners are here to save people. It’s actually good for people to suffer a little bit: It helps eliminate their karma. They will have a good future after some karma is eliminated.”

My husband smiled. Although he didn’t say anything, I knew that the wonder of Falun Dafa had taken root in his heart.