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Police Threaten to Sentence Woman to 3 to 5 Years for Raising Awareness about the Persecution of Her Faith

Feb. 28, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) The police in Fushun City, Liaoning Province threatened to sentence a local resident to three to five years after she was arrested for talking to people about Falun Gong.

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Ms. Liu Pintong, 52, was arrested on February 3, 2023, three years after she finished serving an eight-year prison term. The police first gave her 15 days at the Nangou Detention Center. On February 8, they forced her family to take them to her home for a raid.

Ms. Liu’s family called Jiao Chen, the deputy head of Shuncheng District Domestic Security Office, on February 14 to inquire about her case. Jiao claimed that due to Ms. Liu’s earlier arrest in May 2022 for distributing Falun Gong materials and talking to people about Falun Gong, they were planning to sentence her to three to five years.

When Ms. Liu’s 15-day administrative detention expired, Jiao put her under criminal detention and transferred her to the Liushan Detention Center. 

Previous Eight-year Sentence

Ms. Liu was previously arrested on March 3, 2012, also for raising awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong. The police forced her son to sign the fabricated case document on her behalf.

The day following her arrest, the police took Ms. Liu to an empty room and interrogated her. Three officers beat her and verbally abused her. They slapped her in the face, kicked her legs and pulled her hair. 

Ms. Liu protested by shouting “Falun Dafa is good!” The police became infuriated and threatened to give her a heavy term because of her bad attitude, even if they had to fabricate the number of Falun Gong materials confiscated from her. 

The Zhenxing District Court sentenced Ms. Liu to eight years on August 10, 2012. The judge claimed that it was an order from above. Ms. Liu appealed with the Dandong City Intermediate Court, which ruled to uphold her original verdict. 

During the nine months at the Dandong City Detention Center, Ms. Liu was subjected to brutal torture and forced to work for long hours without pay. By the time she was taken to the Liaoning Province Women’s Prison on December 11, 2012, she had been suffering severe neck problem, numbness in her limbs and dizziness. She also had blood in her stool. 

In order to force her to renounce Falun Gong, the prison guards subjected her to all kinds of torture, including long hours of standing or sitting on a small stool with spikes on the surface. They also humiliated her, deprived her of sleep and restroom use, and barred her from washing herself.

On a very cold winter day, Ms. Liu was forced to stand on the concrete floor for a long time. She was having her menstrual period at the time, but the guards denied her from using the restroom and the blood came down along her pants.

Ms. Liu suffered kidney failure on October 14, 2014 and was taken to the 739 Hospital in Shenyang, the designated hospital for the prison. The guards tied her in a spread eagle position on the bed. Her hands and feet became extremely swollen. She was emaciated and didn’t even have the strength to greet her sister when she came to visit her.

The prison refused to release Ms. Liu on medical parole. They claimed that since she was having kidney failure, they would count her as a natural death if she died and they wouldn’t bear any responsibility for it. 

After one week at the hospital, Ms. Liu was taken back to the prison. The 4,000 yuan her family deposited for her to buy additional food was confiscated and her family wasn’t allowed to visit her for two months. The guards kept her tied up in a spread eagle position and force fed her for two months.

Perpetrators’ contact information:

Liu Yude (刘玉德), director of Shuncheng District Police Department: +86-15941300098Zhuang Dianfan (庄典凡), deputy director of Shuncheng District Police Department: +86-24-57646136, +86-13898326668Jiao Chen (焦臣), deputy director of Shuncheng District Domestic Security Office: +86-13841339033

(More perpetrators’ contact information is available in the original Chinese article.)

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