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Remaining Diligent Regardless of the Circumstances

March 8, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hunan Province, China

(Minghui.org) Before I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998, I had numerous health problems, including dizziness, rheumatism, neurosis, stomach problems, and a swollen neck.

After I married, I moved from a cold northern province to a warm climate in southern China. I couldn’t eat greasy food and occasionally vomited. My husband thought that I was pregnant again. Worried that he’d lose his job for having another child, he reported it to his manager and got a day off to take me for an abortion.

The female “doctor” who did the surgery did not have a medical degree, or any formal medical training. She became a doctor only because of her connections. When she saw patients or did surgeries, she never ordered any tests, but only judged whether a patient should have surgery or not by how the patient felt, coupled with her own observations.

A few days before I was forced to undergo the abortion, she scraped another patient’s uterus, causing heavy bleeding, and she died. Only 10 minutes after she started my surgery, I began bleeding profusely. After she saw there was nothing in my uterus, she was frightened and said, “Go home! Come back if the bleeding does not stop.”

After the procedure, I was hospitalized for more than 20 days, but I didn’t get better. I became even sicker. I felt like I was about to die, so I asked my husband to prepare for my funeral. My uterus eventually healed, but my belly developed a big bulge.

No matter how bad I felt, I still had parents to take care of, and a child to raise. So, I had to work. I led a very hard life back then.

My Fate Changes

Twenty five years have passed. My child grew up, and my fate also changed: In early Fall of 1998, I was fortunate enough to learn about Falun Dafa!

I read Zhuan Falun in one sitting. I began to read the Fa and do the exercises with other practitioners. I also went to the countryside with veteran practitioners to tell people about Falun Dafa and show them the exercises.

At 10 p.m one night, while I was half asleep, I saw a golden-armored god through my third eye. He took my left hand and checked my pulse. He then eliminated all the diseases I had for more than 20 years. After I woke up, I knew Master Li cleaned up my body. Since then, I have been illness-free. Even though I was in my 50s, I felt like I was in my 20s.

I was so happy and truly appreciate benevolent Master for saving me! I made up my mind to wholeheartedly follow Master’s teachings and return to my true, original home.

Standing Up for Falun Dafa at Tiananmen Square

By July 1999, everyone in China knew about Falun Dafa, and many people practiced. Jealous of its popularity, the former CCP (Chinese Communist Party) leader launched the persecution.

There’s an old saying: If a father is slandered and the son does not protect him, he is not a good son. In early September 1999, in order to validate Dafa, a few local practitioners went to Beijing. We were arrested by police at Tiananmen Square and detained. In order to not have our families implicated, none of us gave our names or addresses. I was held in a large room along with practitioners from all over the country. The guards carried a practitioner in his 30s into the room and laid him on a long bench. He had been tortured to the point that he couldn’t speak, but could only scream. Seeing this, many practitioners shed tears.

We kept encouraging each other, however, and were later released. We continued to clarify the facts about the persecution and validate Dafa in our hometown.

Clarifying the Facts to Police Officers

A practitioner and I stood near a school entrance at 9 a.m. and handed out informational materials to help people renounce their memberships in the CCP. Someone reported us and we were taken to the police station. I sat in a lotus position in the police station, sent forth righteous thoughts, and asked for Master’s help to strengthen my supernatural capabilities.

The police searched my purse, but they only found a copy of Hong Yin. I took it from them and said, “Our Master teaches us to be good people by following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. When I see someone needs help, I lend a hand if I can. I once saw a young man lying in the street. After I helped him get up, I asked him what was wrong. He told me that he was starving and he hadn’t eaten for five days. I brought him a bowl of rice noodles, but he was so weak that he couldn’t hold the bowl. So I fed him. He truly appreciated my help and asked me to leave my name and address with him, saying that he’d pay me back later.

“I told him he didn’t have to thank me, just my Master instead. I also gave him a keepsake which had the phrases, ‘Falun Dafa is wonderful! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful!’ I asked him how much money he needed to get home. I didn’t have a job, nor any income. After he told me, I gave him the money my son had given me to buy a pair of shoes.

“When I clarified the facts to people one day, I was arrested by police officers. I told them I practiced Falun Dafa and Master asks us to be considerate of others in everything we do and put others first.”

I added, “You ignore bad people, and only arrest good people who do good.” A police officer replied, “Do good? I don’t know how. We only know how to do evil.”

Protected by Master, I maintained my righteous thoughts and did not sign any of their paperwork. I’ve been arrested by police multiple times, but I made a breakthrough with my righteous thoughts every single time. I never signed any guarantee statements.

I appreciate Master for giving me supernatural capabilities and helping me make breakthroughs in my cultivation. For me to have come this far, I don’t know how many painstaking efforts Master has put in. Every time I think about Master, I’m moved to tears.

When the COVID pandemic broke out, I went to the detention center to deliver Master’s new article “Stay Rational” to practitioners who were incarcerated there. My family and fellow practitioners thought I was so brave! However, I believed Master would protect me, and I would safely deliver the new article. I asked for Master’s help, and I was successful.

During the current pandemic, saving people is very urgent. Fellow practitioners and I continue to do our best to save people and cultivate diligently!