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My Grandson Comes Back to Life After 40 Minutes Without Vital Signs

April 9, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My grandson was born with severe congenital heart disease. His parents named him Tiezhu (iron pillar) and wished him to be healthy and strong. Tiezhu underwent heart repair surgery when he was eleven months old. The operation was successful, but thereafter he was weak and often had colds and fevers.

When Tiezhu was in the fourth grade, his mother came to visit us one day. He went outside to play with some of the other children who lived nearby. Suddenly neighbors came to tell us that Tiezhu had passed out and had been rushed to the hospital. My husband, a retired doctor, immediately went off to the hospital. I calmed myself down and went to the portrait of Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, and asked for Master’s help to save the boy.

After one hour my husband came home in tears. He said that Tiezhu’s three vital signs (breathing, blood pressure, and heartbeat) were absent for more than 40 minutes. Although he began to breathe again after more than an hour of resuscitation, the doctor said he would very likely become a vegetable for the rest of his life. Knowing how serious this was, my husband began to cry.

I went to see Tiezhu with my husband that night. He was lying on the bed with multiple tubes having been inserted into his little body. I got close to him and whispered into his ear, “Do not worry my dear, your grandma is here. I asked Master to save you. I will recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ for you. You can do the same in your heart.”

I began reciting the auspicious phrases, and after two minutes, Tiezhu cried out loud. My husband was delighted to hear him crying, “Great, he is crying, he will be alright!” Tiezhu woke up two hours later and was able to talk to the nurse. We were all relieved to hear that.

Tiezhu was discharged the next day. After 40 minutes without any signs of life, he had returned to the living! It appeared as a medical miracle; I know full well it is the power of Dafa, it is Master Li who saved him!

Tiezhu did not become a vegetable as the doctor predicted. He had no sequelae following this incident. He grew up to be a healthy, handsome, and bright young fellow. My grandson was admitted to the college of his choice and was excellent in many aspects. When he graduated college, he found a job at a good company and has been working there for five years now.

Our family is deeply grateful to Master for his saving grace!