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Master’s Compassion

June 18, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Before I began Falun Dafa cultivation, I experienced joy and happiness in life, but I always faced an underlying fear. I wasn’t clear exactly what my life’s purpose was, so I never felt a sense of belonging. I know now that it was due to all the karma I had accumulated from my previous lifetimes. The old universe’s life cycle of “Formation, Stasis, Degeneration, and Destruction” was coming to its end, and it haunted me. On the other hand, I instinctively knew a predestined relationship was leading me to something that awaited me. It was Master who has compassionately watched over me. I was predestined to become a Dafa practitioner.

Obtaining the Fa

I was severely injured in early 1998 because of domestic violence. It was a painful time in my life, and I often caught myself having suicidal thoughts. I hid in the bathroom one day and took off my belt. Desperate for an answer, I held the belt in both hands, closed my eyes and thought, “Is there any purpose to my existence in this world? If there is, please let the belt break. If not, I will…” I opened my eyes and the belt was broken into two pieces. I had one piece in each hand, as if someone had cut it with a knife. I couldn’t have torn it myself as I merely held the belt without applying any force. It was a sign from the universe—I no longer tried to end my life after that.

However, the violence I suffered left me physically and emotionally devastated. I was taking four different types of medications, but they weren’t enough to alleviate the pain. My husband said to me, “I heard that Falun Dafa is a good cultivation practice. It will give you health and joy in life.” When he said the words “Falun Dafa,” I watched his lips move but heard a sound that came through the window from the sky above. The echo boomed and resonated in my heart and soul. Where do I find this practice?

One day, my new neighbor came to pay back three yuan she had borrowed from me. “Don’t worry about it,” I told her. “It was just pocket change.” But she insisted, “I practice Falun Dafa. I can’t take advantage of you.” I was so happy! I borrowed Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, from her and started reading right away.

I Finally Found My Master

The first time I did the Falun Dafa exercises, I couldn’t raise my right arm high enough to hold the Falun. My arms were sore and my body shook. My neighbor let me know a few times that it was okay to lower my arms, but I hung in there. I held on to one thought, “I have to finish the exercise. If I can’t get through this little bit of suffering, Master won’t want me as his practitioner.”

Shortly after I obtained the Fa, my husband told me, “Ever since you took up Falun Dafa, my mother hasn’t been as hostile toward you. My skin rash also disappeared, and things now seem to always go my way.” The torturous predestined relationship I had with my husband and my mother-in-law was resolved.

I didn’t want to put down Zhuan Falun for even a second. I read whenever I could and often until midnight. My reasoning was, “Ordinary people play Mahjong until midnight. Why couldn’t I stay up late and study the Fa?”

My daughter was in the second grade at the time. She asked if she could read Zhuan Falun. I wouldn’t let her because she didn’t know many of the characters in the book. She pleaded, “Please, mother. I’m only going to read the characters that I know. I won’t bother you.” But still, she kept asking me about the characters that she didn’t know.

After trying to read two sentences, she said, “Mother, could you please read ‘On Dafa’ out loud to me? It would be a lot faster than me trying to read it myself.” So I read “On Dafa” out loud for her. Two days later, she asked me again to read “On Dafa” to her. When I finished reading just the first paragraph, she said, “Mother, I have it memorized.” Sure enough, she was able to recite “On Dafa” from start to finish without making any mistakes. Master had given her the Fa.

When I was memorizing the section “People with Great Inborn Quality” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun), my daughter told me, “Mother, if someone indeed has great inborn quality, he will have this section memorized very fast because he is such a person.”

Launching of the Persecution

I cried when I saw that the state-run media broadcast concocted lies that slandered Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) and Master. I was so upset. The propaganda program aired continuously, and I cried each time I watched it. The evil also staged the Tiananmen self-immolation hoax to slander Dafa.

A local practitioner was arrested for printing fliers to expose the truth, and I was implicated. My family went to the local police station several times to petition for my release. My mother-in-law told a young officer, “If you don’t release my daughter-in-law, I will kneel and kowtow to you out front at the intersection. Would you be able to handle the guilt, young man? Let the public see what you’ve made an elderly lady do to uphold justice.” The police chief said, “We’ll let her go tomorrow.” My mother-in-law demanded, “No. She didn’t do anything wrong. Let her go now.”

My Mother’s Car Accident

After I was released, my mother came from my hometown to visit me. On her way back, she was hit by a motorcycle at the bus station. She lost consciousness and was rushed to the city hospital. The CT scan showed bleeding in her brain. I didn’t know what to do and counted on the doctors to make the right decision.

While at the hospital, I ran into a local practitioner named Hui. Her husband had been hospitalized for the past six months, and she had been visiting him every day. Hui told me, “My husband wanted to go home this morning, so I called a taxi to haul all the luggage. Guess what? Now he’s telling me he doesn’t want to go home until tomorrow.”

As we talked, we heard loud noises behind us. A couple of women were sitting on the floor howling, and more people began to gather. I heard talk about a male family member of these women being severely injured, and they speculated that he wouldn’t make it. The surgeon came running, and several nurses followed closely behind him. He had already left for the day but was called back to perform surgery on the injured man. Hui went up to the surgeon and begged him to take a second to see how my mother was doing. He stopped and shone a flash light into my mother’s eyes—one of her pupils was dilated. The doctor shook his head and went into the operating room.

Just a short moment later, the women’s crying turned into screeching—the man had died before the surgery even started. My mother was next in line for surgery, and the nurse came to notify us. She said heavily, “One dead. This one may live.” My mother remained unconscious. The nurse performed another CT scan of her brain in preparation for surgery. The image showed that the bleeding continued and that the area of accumulated blood was now bigger. We didn’t know what to do or to expect.

Hui had seen similar situations at the hospital over the prior six months. She knew full well that if the doctor had operated on the man, my mother would have lost precious time, which could have made the difference between life and death.

My brother called and told my dad what had happened. My dad and a few other relatives came from our hometown as quickly as they could, hoping to be able to say goodbye to my mother. When they arrived at the hospital, my dad was so devastated that he couldn’t walk on his own. Two of my relatives had to hold him up. We anxiously waited. Finally, the nurse came to see us and said, to everybody’s surprise, “The surgery was a big success. Very successful. It was amazing.”

I knew Master was watching over us the entire time.

Resolving Karma with Compassion

The motorcyclist who had hit my mother was a young woman. When the accident happened, her mother-in-law was losing sleep worrying about having to pay us a lot of money if my mother died. When she found out the surgery went well and my mother lived, she started to worry about how much she would have to pay to cover the surgery and the hospitalization. When my mother recovered quickly, she felt that the 40,000-yuan hospital bill was too much. She became unreasonable, and dealing with her family was tough.

I ran into the young woman’s husband Li a few years later and greeted him with a friendly “Hi.” But he just cursed and walked away. He resented me because his family felt that they had to pay too much for my mother’s medical expenses.

A couple of weeks later, my supervisor told me that he had two candidates in mind for the unfilled position in our department. It happened that one of them was Li. I know the other candidate really well—he was a coworker and has always been very respectful towards me. I could tell that my supervisor leaned toward Li, but in the end he asked for my opinion, “Of course, you have a say in deciding who gets the job. What do you think?”

To be honest, I had qualms about working with Li. He just recently insulted me in public. How would we get along working in the same office? But I couldn’t tell my supervisor what had happened between Li and me. As a cultivator, I had to live up to the standards of the Fa. If this job was meant to be his, I didn’t want to keep him from getting it—I couldn’t change his career or even his fate for my own selfish reasons. I told my supervisor, “I don’t have a preference. Why don’t you decide?”

I walked into the office the following Monday, and Li and his friend were already there. I said “Hi” to him, but he ignored me. When his friend left, he sat across the desk from me with an arrogant look on his face. He sneered, “Before I took the offer for this position, I heard that you worked for the same department. Just so you know, I don’t like you.”

I asked him, “Is it because of the accident?” He didn’t say anything. I told him, “Listen. Your wife rode her motorcycle on the sidewalk and caused the accident. My mother had internal bleeding that was life-threatening. I believe neither side wanted the accident to happen. Do you think my mother wanted the accident, brain surgery, at the risk of dying, only to get you guys to pay for it? All of the money went to the hospital. On the other hand, do you think your wife would rather lose 40,000 yuan just to hit my mother? We don’t have that kind of beef with each other, do we? Neither party set out to intentionally cause the other party pain, right?”

He seemed deflated. I could tell his anger and resentment were gone. He asked me carefully after a brief pause, “So you do the practice?” I asked, “Are you talking about Falun Dafa?” He nodded and said, “The government forbids people from practicing it.”

I told him, “It is Jiang Zemin. He doesn’t like the practice. He was the head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at the time. So arrogant, he made the entire central government and essentially the whole country comply with his personal wish. As the leader of the country, he should have put the country’s best interests above his own. Isn’t the country made up of us, the people? Aren’t the more than 100 million Falun Dafa practitioners also people? Shouldn’t our rights outweigh Jiang’s personal feelings?” One word at a time, I said to him, “Jiang is positioning himself as the enemy of the people.”

“Ma’am, what you just told me changed my mind about you,” Li said. He was sincere. He told me he had received a letter from a practitioner before and that he thought practitioners were good people. I didn’t tell him it was I who had sent him the letter. After his wife hit my mother and tried to evade responsibility, there were some conflicts between the two families. One time, he lashed out at me and said some bad things. I worried that his hostility toward me would spread to Dafa and other practitioners, so I sent him a letter anonymously. Apparently, it made a good impact on him.

When I drafted that letter to Li, I truly felt that Master was giving me wisdom. The final letter was only two pages long, but it was written with clear logic and straightforward principles. At the same time, the tone was calm and friendly. I couldn’t have written it without Master’s help. As I wrote each sentence, I didn’t know what I was going to say next. Sometimes I didn’t even know how to end the sentence I was starting. However, thoughts continuously came to mind, and my hand kept pouring words onto the paper. Master supplied me with language to state the facts in a calm tone and clarify the truth in a masterful way.

During the following days, Li brought me tea every day and helped me with computer issues. Only a week later, he was transferred to another department. Each time we ran into each other, he would smile and greet me. Thanks to Master’s arrangement, we were able resolve our karmic debts.

Master’s Protection

A few years back, a local practitioner and I traveled to neighboring areas to post banners that said “Falun Dafa is good.” We also had our cellphones programmed to automatically call people and play a pre-recorded message. If we spotted a good place to post Dafa banners on the other side of a big street, we always asked for help, “Master, please stop the cars from coming.” In seconds, the street was cleared of all traffic in both ways, and we quickly posted the banners before cars approached again.

Once, on the side of a highway, we saw a big pole from a distance with a big banner on top that said “Falun Dafa is good.” I looked up and wondered how on earth someone printed those characters so big and posted it so perfectly straight and so high up on the pole. It was at a busy stretch of the highway with countless cars driving past every day. I was impressed. With Master’s help, Dafa practitioners can achieve the impossible.

One night, a practitioner and I were posting Dafa banners on both sides of a big street. I checked beforehand to make sure that no cars were passing us as we put up banners on a pole. All of a sudden, a car rushed by in the lane right next to the sidewalk. I looked up and saw the car’s license plate with the characters “Administration of Justice” on it. We were right underneath a street light and in plain sight, but whoever was in the car didn’t see us. Thank you, Master, for protecting us!

Once I was in a village distributing booklets. I knocked on a door but nobody answered, so I turned around. Suddenly I heard an angry voice, “What do you want?” A stout middle-aged man charged toward me as if he were going to hit me. I stayed calm and said to him, “Hi Sir. I have a free DVD for you.” His anger instantly disappeared when he saw the cover of the DVD, “Oh, it’s Falun Dafa.”

I smiled, “Yes.” “But the country doesn’t allow you to practice this,” he said. I told him, “Not the country, but Jiang Zemin. Who is he anyway? He is corrupt to the core and has never done anything good for the people or the country. Whatever he is against must be good.” He nodded. I said, “During the Great Cultural Revolution, if someone said students should study and learn in school, they would be labeled as being against Mao. How ridiculous is that?” He took the DVD and smiled, “I think it’s actually a good idea to take a look at this.”

I was studying the Fa at home one time and left my phone on an app that automatically calls people and plays a truth-clarification voice message. Just randomly, I picked up the phone and found it was turned off. I turned it back on, and it shut off again. When I turned it back on, I stopped the app and checked my voice messages. A man’s voice said, “I can’t locate this phone. Why don’t you call the local police?” I realized that someone was going to report me, so I quickly turned off the phone and took out the battery. It must have been Master who protected me.

People Respect Dafa Practitioners

When the CCP launched the persecution in 1999, just like thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners, I went to Beijing to petition the central government for our right to freedom of belief. I wanted to prove to the officials that Falun Dafa is good. However, I was intercepted on my way to the capital, taken back to my hometown and detained. When I was released, the city officials told my director at work, “Arrange a good position for her so she can cheer up.” One of my relatives who worked for the same company told me, “You have a very good reputation among the upper management team. The officials all respect you.” I asked him, “Why is that?” He said, “Because you practice Falun Dafa.” We, the practitioners of Falun Dafa, are well respected among people because of Master’s mighty virtue.

Many years ago, a local practitioner was arrested for posting Dafa stickers at night. She and her husband are ordinary workers and never got much attention. However, when she was arrested, all of her coworkers and supervisors offered help and support to her family. They used their connections to try to get her out of detention. When she was finally released, her husband wanted to invite everyone who helped them to a nice dinner at a good restaurant as a way of saying thank you. One of the managers from her work said, “You guys don’t make a lot of money as workers. I’ll get the check.”

When a few people got together and talked about Falun Gong practitioners petitioning the central government in Beijing, one of them said, “The government is wrong. Why can’t Falun Gong petition the government?”

A practitioner was putting up Dafa banners at night in front of a house. The owner came home and became suspicious when he saw someone in front of his house. The practitioner told him about Dafa and the persecution, and the owner was very receptive. In the end, he even invited the practitioner into his home for a drink. The practitioner thanked him and left.

A practitioner tried to clarify the truth to a taxi driver on his ride into the city. To his surprise, the driver took over and started clarifying the truth to the practitioner, “The CCP will not exist in the future. China will still be China. Whatever they broadcast on television is not going to fool us taxi drivers. We all know when gasoline catches fire, it will burn off instantly. It does not burn for such a long time like in the fake footage.” The driver was referring to the Tiananmen self-immolation hoax.

An elderly man got on a bus and sat down next to a few practitioners. Naturally, we clarified the truth to him. He listened for a while, then told us, “There are a few people practicing Falun Dafa in our village. They are such good people. They do the exercises every day and read the book Zhuan Falun. They don’t gossip or start conflicts with others. They try to be good people and are always so happy.”

Master is compassionate and is always watching over practitioners. All of our wisdom and capability come from Master and the Fa.