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Bedridden Woman Terrified by Police Raid Targeting Husband, Dies Ten Days Later

June 20, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) A bedridden woman in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, was terrified when three plainclothes officers broke in and raided her home, having arrested her husband at their son’s restaurant hours before. She died ten days later when her husband was still in detention.

Mr. Jiang Chunlin was helping out at his son’s restaurant on the morning of May 9, 2023, when three officers from Budong Police Station in the Laoshan District showed up. After one of them flashed his police ID, they arrested him and confiscated his iPhone (which was a gift from his son) before going to his home. They later returned the SIM card in the phone but not the phone itself. They confiscated from his home a printer, a computer, some Falun Gong books, and his personal notebook with experiences and understanding of Falun Gong cultivation.

After she had a stroke in 2017, Mr. Jiang’s wife became disabled and couldn’t speak. She could only lie in bed helplessly, watching the police rummage through her home. Her son had to remind the officers to be quiet so as to not traumatize her.

The police said that Mr. Jiang was their key target and that they had been monitoring him for more than six months. They made the arrest after a surveillance video captured a backpack-wearing man who looked like Mr. Jiang in a particular neighborhood, so they suspected him of distributing informational materials about Falun Gong there.

The footage only showed the man’s back, not his face, but the police still used it as evidence to have Mr. Jiang admitted to a detention center the next day.

His wife, who had relied on him for care since her stroke, died ten days after his arrest. Their son worried that Mr. Jiang might not be able to take the news well and didn’t tell him about it through his lawyer until about a month later. His son had not been allowed to visit him, so his lawyer relayed the news while visiting him in the detention center.

Mr. Jiang said to the lawyer, “My wife was indirectly persecuted to death by the communist regime.” The police denied his son’s request to have him released on bail to tend to his wife’s funeral.

The Laoshan District Procuratorate recently approved Mr. Jiang’s arrest, and he is facing indictment for his faith. Prosecutor Zhou Bojian was assigned to the case.

An Upstanding Citizen

Mr. Jiang, born in 1969, is the youngest of five siblings. He was a bright and conscientious student, was accepted at a top university, and majored in computer science. In his spare time, he tried different qigong systems and read Buddhist classics in his quest to understand the meaning of life. His exploration of life eventually led him to Falun Gong. As soon as he read Zhuan Falun, the main teaching of Falun Gong, he was in awe of its profound principles and decided to quit all other qigong practices. He strove to be a good person by following Falun Gong’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

He landed a job at a well-known automobile manufacturer after college. For more than ten years in a row, he was recognized as “employee of the year.” Because of his integrity and excellent job performance, his company once entrusted him to manage a project worth more than a billion yuan. Many people in similar positions in China would have fattened their pockets by accepting bribes, but he turned down all kinds of gifts (bribes) that came his way. When asked why he gave up such a handsome grey income, he said that Falun Gong taught him to live by Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance at all times.

Mr. Jiang also treated his wife and son, as well as his parents, siblings, and in-laws, well. His parents-in-law, in particular, often heard people say to them, “Lucky you! You’ve got such a good son-in-law!”

After his wife had a stroke in March 2017, her parents offered to take care of her. Mr. Jiang kindly declined because he didn’t want to trouble the elderly couple. Instead of hiring home care aides, he quit his high-paying job to take care of his wife full-time for two straight years to ensure that she was well-cared for.

As his savings dried up, his wife’s sister offered to cover some of their expenses. He kindly declined because he didn’t want to trouble his sister-in-law. He found a job near his home so he could still return home at lunch to feed his wife. His wife trusted him so completely that she refused to eat if anyone else fed her.

Their son, who had been working out of town, moved in with them this year and opened a restaurant. Mr. Jiang occasionally helped with the restaurant.

In the eyes of his family, Mr. Jiang is a loving and considerate husband, father, brother, and in-law. They can’t understand why such a good person is being persecuted for upholding his faith.

Perpetrators’ contact information:

Budong Police Station: +86-532-55580970Zhao (赵), police director: +86-17667588758Ma (马), police officer: +86-15376792759Zhou Bojian (周博见), prosecutor, the Laoshan District Procuratorate: +86-532-83011739Jiang Zeyu (姜泽宇), clerk: +86-532-83011751