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Awakening People to the Truth about Falun Dafa and the Persecution in a Detention Center

June 21, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) I was arrested and illegally detained at a detention center in 2020. Facing this sudden persecution, my mind became blank. All I could think of was how could I reject the old forces’ persecution and get out of the detention center.

I was severely persecuted from day one in the detention center. I tried to analyze my situation. I knew that this was caused by my fear which made me depressed for a few days. At that time, I only remembered one line from Master’s lecture:

“No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil’s demands, orders, or what it instigates.” (“Dafa Disciple’s Righteous Thoughts Are Powerful,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II).

I kept sending forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to empower me. As I kept memorizing the Fa, my mind became clearer. I realized that I had forgotten that I’m a Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) practitioner and the most important thing that I needed to do was to make use of this environment to help people understand the truth about Falun Dafa.

As I did not cooperate with the detention center’s officials, the detention center tried to have me surrender through evil means. They intentionally arranged for me to be detained in the most evil cell⸺the cell where the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners was the most serious. The prison guard in charge is famous for his viciousness, making use of methods such as standing punishments, freezing, hitting, scolding, and so on. He arranged for 20 people to take turns watching me, not allowing me to talk to anyone, nor letting anyone go near me. There was always a nervous and fearful aura in the room which made it difficult for me to talk to them about Dafa. I worked with another Dafa practitioner to send forth righteous thoughts to get rid of the evil in other dimensions. Two months later, the supervision team was dispersed, and I could move around freely. So I started to talk to them about Dafa.

Catching Time to Talk to People about Dafa

The environment in the detention center is unique. I discovered that the inmates who had just been brought to the cell were not yet contaminated by the bad influences. If I could clarify the truth to them within a few days, it would be very easy for them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. If they did not quit at the beginning, they would be dragged down into the abyss by the evil. Some of them originally looked like girls. However, they cut their long hair and shaved their heads until they look as though they have alopecia. Their behavior also becomes more and more violent. I realized that the old forces were polluting people. They want to destroy these sentient beings. Therefore, catching hold of all the time available to clarify the truth to the people who had just arrived in the cell became my daily job.

When I first started to clarify the truth, someone reported me to the prison guard in charge. The guard talked to me, saying that I was not allowed to promote Falun Gong in the cell, and asked me to take note. However, I did not listen to what the guard said as I only listen to what Master said, so nobody could touch me. With this thought, I started one-on-one truth clarification of Dafa in the cell and nobody came to disturb me anymore. One by one, Master brought the people to me.

Persecuted By Evil Spirits

Anqi is 30 years old. I talked to her many times about Dafa but she just listened without taking any stand. A few days later, she shaved her hair such that one side was longer than the other side, and began to cooperate with the guards in charge of the detention center. I felt sad for her. Just a few days after she cooperated with the guards in charge, she would vomit and collapse every afternoon. After vomiting, her face would turn pale white. I knew in my heart that she was persecuted by the CCP’s evil spirits. However, I did not know how I could get close to her. She had been avoiding me ever since I talked to her about Dafa. She did not dare to look me in the eye.

One day, the afternoon break had just ended and she walked over to me with an abnormal look. She told me about a dream, “Sister, I was being brought to another court. That judge said that my previous sentence has been void, and this time, I am being sentenced to death. What do you think this is telling me?” She had already attended the court session and received her sentence. She was waiting to be taken to the prison.

Hearing that, I was shocked and tears covered my face. She was stunned and asked me why. I was so sad that I could not speak. I knew that this was telling me that I did not clarify the truth successfully and that what she described is actually her future ending for not quitting the CCP’s evil organizations. I also knew that she had already been sentenced by the court and would be transferred to prison at any time. Thus, I may never have had the chance to clarify the truth to her again. I knew that Master was telling me through her that I do not have much time left so I must take action immediately. I tried to figure out a way, and quietly in my heart I asked Master to give me a chance. I would definitely help her quit the CCP organizations.

The next day, she vomited again and I knew that this was my chance. Just as everyone was moving things away from her, I walked past her and told her that she will only be able to have a good future if she quits the CCP organizations and recites the nine auspicious words “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” sincerely. She looked at me in shock and actually agreed to quit immediately. After that, she went off to the side and sat there quietly. A few minutes later, she stopped vomiting and her face color became normal.

I knew that she had been saved and I thanked Master in my heart for his benevolent compassion. This made me feel that my responsibilities would be fulfilled. I truly experienced that everything is being done by Master. I am just moving my lips. Master just wants me to hold this thought - the heart to save people. After she made her choice, a miracle happened. That afternoon, she received the notice to be posted out and she was very excited. I am also happy for her because only I know that the reason why she waited so long for this was that she was actually waiting for Falun Gong to save her.

The day when she left the detention center, she stood at the front and told everyone in the detention center that this is not a normal place, but she is quite happy to know the people in the center. Why don’t they even allow people to hold hands here, not letting us have physical interactions like normal people? She especially wanted to hug everyone goodbye. Many people in the detention center cried. I said, “Let me represent everyone and give you a hug.” As I hugged her, I whispered goodbye and asked her to remember the truth that I had told her and also the nine auspicious words. She cried and said, “Thank you, sister. I will remember them.”

After that, I bid goodbye to many of the inmates who had understood the truth. Whenever I sent one of them off, it deepened my understanding that I need to save even more people. I experienced Master’s benevolence and the real purpose of my life on this Earth. During this process, I also became clearer about the path that Master is guiding me on. I understand that the old force’s arrangement this time is to destroy me and all sentient beings, but Master is truly saving me and the sentient beings. As long as I have the Fa in my heart and listen to Master, I will be able to disintegrate the old force’s arrangements and help the sentient beings to be saved.

Understanding and Following the Truth

As the number of people who understood the truth grew, the number of people in the detention center who quit the CCP and its youth organizations also kept increasing. The environment in the whole detention center also improved. There were fewer conflicts among inmates as they understood that scolding people was causing them to lose their good karma and earn them bad karma. If they gain bad karma, they will need to repay it. They all want to accumulate more good karma so that they could leave this evil place soon.

I could also do what I wanted to do freely and get close to the people whom I wanted to get close to. I also knew that I was getting nearer and nearer to the day when I was going home. I forgot the fact that I was being persecuted by the old forces who made illegal use of earthly laws. I must do well on this stretch of my path so as not to leave any regrets for myself. I started to teach a few people who understood the truth and had the intent to learn Dafa to memorize Hong Yin and Master’s lectures so that they could experience Dafa’s compassion and the greatness of Master for themselves.

I want to save all the people in this detention center, including those who came and left quickly. After awakening them, I will go home. Therefore time was running out. There were only a few people left in the detention center who had yet to quit the CCP organizations and there was not much time left. I wanted to help the remaining people quit as soon as possible. Therefore, I started to look for Bingbing.

Bingbing had already been in the detention center for two years. She was aloof and had a bad temper. She was always alone. When I first entered the detention center, I had no interaction with her. Although I clarified the truth to her twice, she did not show any expression and did not really seem to believe what I said. Although she seemed to answer me, I could see that she did not truly understand it from the bottom of her heart. As she is not an easy figure to get close to, I did not explain the truth about Dafa to her thoroughly. Sometimes, I would even wonder if she belonged to the category that could not be saved.

After going through the Anqi incident, I realized that my thoughts were too shallow. I should follow Master’s request all the time and do what I should do. One day, I took the initiative to look for her. Using the excuse of speaking to her about her case, I started to clarify the truth. I knew that she was a person who had her own way of thinking. So I asked Master to open up my wisdom to talk to her based on her doubts in a wise way. I told her about the wide spreading d of Dafa, the petition by thousands of practitioners, the evil live organ harvesting, etc. When I came to the topic of “Journey to the West”, she cried. She told me that her Chinese zodiac is monkey and she felt that she is just like the monkey king who is being detained in the center waiting to be saved by Dafa. She wanted to repay all her previous bad karma and follow Master Li to learn the Buddha Fa. She suggested we study the Fa so I taught her to memorize Hong Yin and On Dafa.

The changes in her were very big and she would share her cultivation thoughts with me every day. One morning, she told me that she saw an eye looking at her, and she was a little scared about this. I told her that Master is opening her celestial eye for her. She was very happy and put in even more effort to memorize the Fa. When she knew that I was going to leave in a month’s time, she stayed by my side every day. She asked me to use all the limited time left to teach her to memorize the Fa. By the time I left, she had already memorized more than 30 individual articles and poems from Hong Yin and also Expounding on the Fa. Before I left, she kept reminding me that after I leave, I must tell her family not to believe in other religions but to learn Falun Dafa instead.

Every being that came to the earth is waiting to be saved by Dafa. Their meeting with me was to complete this most important task and ultimately be saved by Dafa. Recalling my experiences during this period of time, the salvation of sentient beings was the most comforting thing to me. This made me feel all the more that cultivating myself well is most important. Only by letting sentient beings understand the truth can I fulfill my prehistoric vow, live up to the expectations of sentient beings, and not let Master’s compassion be for naught.