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Study Master’s New Teaching and Bring Back Former Practitioners

June 21, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I had a dream one night after Master’s new article “How Humankind Came To Be” was published. In the dream, Master (Falun Dafa’s founder) gave me hints to cultivate diligently and save more predestined people to fulfill my mission and vows.

Bring Back Former Practitioners

My body was eliminating karma, such as having diarrhea, coughing fits, dizziness and being physically weak. Many bad scenes appeared before my eyes. I sent forth righteous thoughts and those scenes disappeared immediately, but other scenes appeared, and I kept sending righteous thoughts. Two-and-a-half hours later, I vomited, and shortly after, I felt relaxed. I continued to send righteous thoughts until the scenes completely disappeared.

The following night, I felt a comfortable energy in my body, and I didn’t feel sleepy. I studied the Fa for a while, then memorized the Fa, and my thoughts were very clear. I understood that Master was enlightening me, allowing me to realize my own understanding of the Fa. The prelude to Fa rectification of the human world has begun, which is the call of the Creator. It’s also an opportunity for those practitioners who didn’t cultivate diligently or fell behind to return to cultivation and ultimately their heavenly world.

I talked with practitioner Lian, suggesting that we visit former practitioners and share Master’s new teachings “How Humankind Came To Be” with them. Lian agreed, so we went to visit them one after another. They all wanted to start cultivating again and practice together. 

I previously had a plan to study the Fa and do the exercises at practitioner Ping’s home. A few days later I went to see Ping. She had been persecuted for practicing Falun Dafa. Her husband was not a practitioner and did not support her in the practice. Ping said that she didn’t dare tell her husband about studying the Fa and doing the exercises at her home. I was not moved and firmly believed that everything was arranged by Master. 

I spoke with her husband, but he disagreed with my plan at first. I said: “Don’t be afraid. Dafa teaches people to be good, heals illnesses and keeps people fit. People in many countries and regions around the world are now learning this Fa. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is the Buddha Fa. If your home can become a practice site, that is your blessing and good fortune.” I told him that our Master said,

“My fashen sit in a circle, and above the exercise site is a shield on which there is a big Falun. A large fashen guards the site above the shield. This site is not an ordinary site, and neither is it a site for an ordinary qigong practice: It is a site for cultivation practice. Many of our practitioners with supernormal abilities have seen that this Falun Dafa site is shielded with red light, and it is red all over.” (Lecture Three, Zhuan Falun)”

He smiled and agreed with me.

That night, a few former practitioners went to Ping’s home. Her husband turned off the TV and cell phone, and sat aside while listening to the Fa. He used to be sick with kidney stones. The doctor said that he needed surgery, which would cost 30,000 to 40,000 yuan. After having group Fa study at Ping’s home a few times, I went their home again, and Ping said: “My husband has received blessings. Master is taking care of him. There is no need for him to have surgery!”

Look Inward When Encountering Problems

One Sunday evening, two practitioners and I went to Ping’s home to study the Fa. But we were the only ones there. Two other practitioners were supposed to come that day. My notions emerged, complaining that they had broken their promise. I looked inward, and found that I had attachments of losing face, jealousy, loving to hear good words, and unwilling to hear unpleasant ones. I was attached to myself and wanted to be praised by others.

On the way home, one of the other practitioners, a female, said: “Group Fa study can’t keep up for long. It won’t work.” I tried to keep my mind unmoved and my thoughts upright, but I felt uncomfortable hearing her words. As the three of us walked towards our homes the male practitioner appeared to be frightened. I talked with him on the Fa, to help him get rid of the fear and believe in Master and Dafa, and have righteous thoughts and actions.

After I got home, my notions were still running wild, and I was afraid that other practitioners would think I was not capable, and I felt wronged. I realized that is an attachment. No matter what I do, I just need to put my heart into it. I realized that through that incident I was able to expose my attachments, get rid of them, and improve my xinxing.

A few days later, I felt confident and went to talk to other practitioners about how to bring back those former practitioners who had fallen behind. Some practitioners thought it was not easy since they hadn’t studied the Fa for so long. I believed this was Master asking Dafa practitioners to pave the way for future human beings to cultivate, so it was our duty to help them come back.

Lian and I went to talk to those former practitioners. At first, they didn’t want to listen, so we exchanged our understandings of “How Humankind Came To Be”. Gradually, they came to realize something, and one of them said, “Master is still taking care of us, didn’t give up on us, and it was Master who arranged for you two to wake us up.”

In the end, everyone agreed to study the Fa, and more than a dozen new and old practitioners came. They chose to learn Dafa, and they had re-positioned themselves. Among them, several practitioners improved rapidly and their health improved too.

I only did what a Dafa practitioner should do, but Master gave me unexpected rewards. When I did the exercises one day, I felt very comfortable, and I appeared taller, and my fingers grew longer. I was moved because Master was encouraging me, asking me to try my best to cultivate solidly and do the three things well.

Master has done his best for Dafa practitioners and all sentient beings. Master has painstakingly arranged the path of cultivation for Dafa practitioners, and has also worked hard to arrange for practitioners how to cultivate and return home with Master in Consummation.

I felt bad that I previously complained that the tribulations Master arranged for me were too big. In fact, it was caused by my lack of understanding of the Fa. It was Master who paved the way for me to return to my true home.

I said to Master in my heart, “Master, I know that I am wrong, thank you Master.” I truly understood the meaning of Buddha’s grace, and only at different levels of true cultivation can we realize the broad and profound meaning of Dafa.

Thank you, Master!