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Additional Persecution News from China – June 15, 2023 (11 Reports)

June 27, 2023

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 11 cities or counties in 9 provinces, where at least 31 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Case Against Zhu Yuxia Sent to the Procuratorate
2. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Case Against Mr. Bai Yanbin Submitted to the Court
3. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Su Guiying Arrested and Detained
4. [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Mr. Mei Xinhua Harassed
5. [Changtu County, Liaoning Province] Six Practitioners Arrested
6. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Hu Yanhua Detained
7. [Tianjin] Ms. Du Yanhong Detained
8. [Longhua County, Hebei Province] Three Practitioners Arrested
9. [Yueyang City, Hunan Province] 15 Practitioners Harassed
10. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Mr. Jiang Chunlin Persecuted
11. [Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Wu Xiaoming Arrested and Detained

1. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Case Against Zhu Yuxia Sent to the Procuratorate

Ms. Zhu Yuxia was arrested at her rented apartment in Changchun City by officers from the Xiguang Police Station in Kuancheng District of Changchun City on September 29, 2022. She was released later due to her poor health and was placed under residential surveillance. She was then arrested near a practitioner’s home in Dehui City on March 3, 2023. She was denied admission by the detention center and released on March 11, 2023. Her case was filed in the Kuancheng District Procuratorate on June 5, 2023. Ms. Zhu’s current condition is not good. There is swelling in her abdomen and lower body.

2. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Case Against Mr. Bai Yanbin Submitted to the Court

Mr. Bai Yanbin was arrested in February 2023 for distributing information about Falun Gong, and his home was ransacked. He was detained for two weeks and released on bail pending trial. His case was submitted to the court on June 12, 2023.

3. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Su Guiying Arrested and Detained

Ms. Su Guiying was arrested by officers from the Mazhang District Police Department a month ago. Her home was ransacked. She was held in the Zhanjiang City Detention Center.

4. [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Mr. Mei Xinhua Harassed

Mr. Mei Xinhua was arrested on the way to his home on the morning of May 11, 2023. He was taken to the No. 3 Bridge Police Station in the Wenquan District. He refused to cooperate and was taken to a local detention house. He was released after being detained for ten days. He was harassed at home by six people from the No. 3 Bridge Police Station and the Binhe Community three days after he was released.

5. [Changtu County, Liaoning Province] Six Practitioners Arrested

Four practitioners from Changfa Town, including Zhao Chunlin, Shi Guimin, Liu Zhiyong, and Zhao Hongzhi, and Meng Guilan from Fujia Town, were arrested by officers from the Fujia Town Police Station on the evening of May 15, 2023, for distributing information about Falun Gong. Two weeks later Sun Wanliang from Changfa Town was also arrested at home.

6. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Hu Yanhua Detained

Ms. Hu Yanhua was supposedly released on June 11, 2023 after being detained for ten days. When her family was waiting in the detention center to pick her up, they heard someone shouting from inside the detention house, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Ms. Hu was later taken out to meet with her family for a short time, and was then taken away. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

7. [Tianjin] Ms. Du Yanhong Detained

Ms. Du Yanhong was summoned to the Lutai Town Police Station one afternoon in May 2023. However, she was not allowed to leave and was taken to a detention center, where she has since been detained.

8. [Longhua County, Hebei Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Tan Guohua, Kang Shuxin, and Ms. Liu Yanfang were reported to police for distributing information about Falun Gong in the countryside and were arrested by officers from the Hanmaying Police Station at around 9 a.m. on June 13, 2023. Ms. Liu Yanfang was released later due to her poor health. Ms. Tang Guohua and Kang Shuxin were sent to the Longhua County Detention Center.

9. [Yueyang City, Hunan Province] 15 Practitioners Harassed

Five practitioners from Nanhuzhou Town of Xiangyin County were harassed by officers from the Nanhuzhou Town Police Station and people from the town government office between mid-March and mid-April 2023. Those harassed included Ms. Zhou Cengying, in her 70s, Ms. Liu Yulan, in her 80s, Ms. Liao Hong, 50, Ms. Wu Guizhi, in her 40s, and Mr. Li Guorong, in his 80s. They were photographed and warned not to go out to promote Falun Gong.

Seven practitioners from Xiangbin Town of Xiangyin County were harassed by Chen Jizhou and Tu Cheng from the Xiangbin Town Police Station in April 2023, including Ms. Wang Jianyun, 58, Ms. Gu Cui’e, in her 60s, Ms. Yao Lifang, in her 50s, Ms. Wang Shuzhen, 87, Mr. Jin Zuli, in his 70s, Ms. Xiao Yun’e, 59, and Mr. Li Fuqi, in his 70s. They were photographed twice in April. Officer Tu Cheng claimed he was following his supervisors’ orders to photograph practitioners twice a month.

Three practitioners were harassed by two officers from the Jiangdong Police Station and Tu Ping’an, director of the Xudong Community Office in mid-April 2023. They are Ms. Xiao Zhiqun, 65, Ms. Peng Xiaoping, 60, and Ms. Zhao Yumei, 67. They were photographed.

10. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Mr. Jiang Chunlin Persecuted

Mr. Jiang Chunlin was arrested on May 9, 2023 and was taken to the Pudong Detention Center in Jimo District on May 10, 2023. His home was ransacked. Mr. Jiang’s wife was very sick and unable to take care of herself, so he took care of her alone for years. After Mr. Jiang was arrested and detained, she died on May 19, 2023 at age 53. His son submitted the bail request the next day but it was denied. Mr. Jiang’s case was submitted to the Laoshan District Procuratorate on June 9, 2023.

11. [Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Wu Xiaoming Arrested and Detained

Ms. Wu Xiaoming was arrested again in front of her house by several police officers on the afternoon of May 8, 2023. She has been detained in the Huangdai Detention Center.