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Visiting My Hometown to Save People

June 3, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) During the 2020 Chinese New Year, the pandemic broke out and my town was locked down without advance notice. People started to panic.

Several of my mother’s students from more than 50 years ago asked my relatives back home about my mother, saying that the older they got, the more they missed their teachers. They missed my mother so much that they invited her back to her hometown for a visit.

Although I had been to my hometown to help people learn about the persecution of Falun Dafa, that was over 10 years ago. During the pandemic, I was anxious to tell my relatives and friends about Dafa as soon as possible.

I had a vivid dream in which I boarded a bus and saw someone running to catch it when it started to pull away. I asked the driver to wait, so he stopped and picked the person up.

Because of that dream, I decided to visit our hometown with my 80-year-old mother to tell people the facts about Dafa. So we planned to travel when the lockdown in my area eased up.

We prepared materials, which included flash drives, pamphlets, and keepsake pendants. We put them in nice plastic bags. Before we left, we sent forth righteous thoughts to dissolve all the evil beings and factors that prevented us from visiting our hometown to save sentient beings.

My aunt spread the word to my mother’s students who lived nearby that my mother was going to her house. They all said they would visit her.

My aunt, who is 75, greeted us at the entrance to the village. She had fair skin and looked much younger than before. My aunt quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 10 years ago. I knew my aunt did a good thing by getting the word out to my mother’s students about our visit so they could have a chance to learn the truth about Falun Dafa. I believe she will be blessed.

As soon as we entered the house, my 89-year-old uncle-in-law greeted us. He looked in good spirits, with swift movements and clear thinking.

We learned he was very concerned about his health, so my mother started to talk about wellness and longevity. She described the miraculous effect of Dafa in dispelling diseases and helping people achieve wellness naturally. She then mentioned the heinous crimes committed by the CCP over the past 70 years and how to stay safe from disasters by withdrawing from the Party. My uncle-in-law listened and quit the CCP. We gave him a Dafa pendant, which he gladly accepted.

As my mother and uncle-in-law talked, my aunt’s daughter-in-law came with her child. I greeted her warmly, complimented her on her good looks, told her how capable she must be, and said that my cousin was lucky to have married her.

I then told her the facts about Dafa and that we were there with hopes that our loved ones could stay safe during the pandemic. We explained why Falun Dafa is good and how she would be blessed if she remembered: “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” She agreed to quit the Young Pioneers. When her five-year-old daughter saw her mother’s new pendant, she wanted one too. I also told her to remember, “Falun Dafa is good!” and gave her a bracelet. They were both very happy.

Not long after, my aunt’s eldest daughter and her husband arrived with fresh seafood for lunch. My cousin had already quit the CCP more than 10 years ago. My cousin’s husband, whom I met for the first time, was very nice to us. He kept passing me food and drinks. I knew he was a predestined person. He drove a cab and had to leave early to work. So I seized every moment to tell him the truth. I began to talk about the beauty of Dafa, the persecution of practitioners in China, and how Falun Dafa was welcomed around the world. He agreed to quit the CCP’s affiliated organizations.

In the afternoon, my mother’s students came. The first was a 73-year-old retired village clerk, Mr. Yang. He used to be my mother’s class president. My mother and I told him the facts, and he was very receptive. He asked a lot of questions. We gave him satisfactory answers from a perspective that he could understand, so he readily quit the CCP and accepted our Dafa materials.

Just then, a well-dressed woman in her 60s arrived. She went straight to my mother, hugged her, and called out, “Teacher! Teacher!” My mother recognized her immediately and blurted out her name. She was even happier, not expecting that after more than 50 years, my mother would still remember her.

My mother introduced her to the crowd as her beautiful class recreation committee member. She immediately agreed to withdraw from the CCP’s affiliated organizations. When she left, I told her to tell her husband to read more materials about the persecution and to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

Her niece came to pick her up. She was fashionable with a boyish haircut. Initially, I was unsure if I should tell her the facts. However, my righteous thought prevailed quickly, and I thought, “Why not? Master Li arranged for her to come and listen to the truth.”

I greeted her with a smile and gave her a flash drive. I then told her why she had to withdraw from the CCP. She agreed to quit.

In the afternoon, six or seven of my mother’s students came by. All of them withdrew from the Party. My mother also emphasized the importance of reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and told everyone to always remember “Falun Dafa is good!”

Time passed quickly, and we were ready to go home. Mr. Yang insisted that we go to a restaurant, saying he would be sad if we didn’t eat together since we hadn’t seen each other for over 50 years. At the table, one student raised his glass and said, “Let’s toast to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance!”