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We Were Blessed for Giving Away Our Homes to Help a Relative

June 30, 2023 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Xianglian in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I developed rheumatoid arthritis after giving birth in 1992, which made my life miserable. I tried Western medicine, Chinese traditional medicine, various remedies, qigong, and even fortune telling. I spent a considerable amount of money, but my illness was not cured. At a young age, I brought a heavy burden to my family.

In September 1995, I went to the hospital for an injection and a doctor introduced me to Falun Dafa. After reading the introductory text titled Falun Gong, I thought the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance were great and wanted to follow them in my daily life. About 10 days later, my legs, arms, and shoulders were no longer painful. The stubborn illness that had plagued me for three years was cured.

I thought it was a miracle! I had just read the book and nobody asked for a penny from me, and the illness is now cured! At that moment, I swore that I would begin cultivating Falun Dafa. I’ve been healthy ever since!

I tried my best to live in accordance with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance at work, at home, and in society. I wanted to be kind and think of others first. Although I’m not perfect, my moral character xinxing has been improving.

After my mother-in-law passed away, my father-in-law remarried. I often bought clothes and food for my new mother-in-law and went to visit them two to three times a week. I resized the gold jewelry my mother gave me when I got married to fit her. The neighbors said she was blessed. She didn’t have her own children, so when she was sick, our family took care of her. My sister-in-law also offered to come over to help.

In 2004, the three old houses left by my stepmother-in-law after she died were demolished. In return, the government gave us a new apartment unit and a two-story townhouse. The size of the new property was much bigger than the old houses, so the additional area needed to be paid for. We had just bought a new house in 2002 and had no savings, so we borrowed 60,000 yuan for the required payment. The neighbors said that our family was rewarded with two homes for taking care of the elderly.

My father-in-law has been living in my house since his wife passed away. The next year, my eldest brother-in-law and his wife came to visit my 80-year-old father-in-law. They were envious of the two houses we received as compensation and said their 26-year-old son still didn’t have his own home. I told my husband, also a practitioner, that if they were willing to move back from southern China, I’d give them the homes. My husband was happy to hear that I was so generous.

My brother-in-law and his wife were very surprised when they heard about our decision to offer them the homes for nothing! They did not help take care of my stepmother-in-law when she was in the hospital and were uncomfortable accepting the homes for nothing. My husband and I said: “We both practice Falun Dafa. Master Li [Dafa’s founder] asks us to take material possessions and self-interest lightly and think more of others. We are one family. If you move back, you can help take care of our father. So in this way, you are also helping us.” My brother-in-law and his wife were very touched and readily accepted our offer.

Since then, they started reading Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa. My brother-in-law also started to do the Dafa exercises. The news that we gave away the homes had a big impact on our family and friends. My husband’s family thought that the brother-in-law’s family didn’t deserve the homes because they had done nothing to help take care of the elderly and visited them only once over the years. They admired and felt sorry for us.

My second eldest sister-in-law is also a practitioner, and she said to me quietly: “Why did you give them the houses? Why not keep one for your son?”

I smiled and replied, “My son is only 15 years old. It’s too early to consider a house for him. They needed a house, so they can take them. Don’t worry, we’ll have one when needed. We are blessed for practicing Dafa.”

After my coworkers heard about it, they admired me. One of the elderly coworkers said, “Honestly, I really admire you. You are really a great person! Not everyone could do that. Others would fight for the homes!”

I smiled, “That’s true! If I were not practicing Falun Dafa, I wouldn’t be able to do it.”

After giving away the houses, we didn’t have any debt and now have some savings. With the help of other practitioners, we bought a computer and a printer and started making materials that helped people understand the truth about the persecution against Falun Dafa. When the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published, I believed this book exposed the evil nature of the communist party and would play a big role in saving people. We bought a laser printer and made a large number of the Nine Commentaries to distribute.

My son has practiced Dafa with me since he was a child. Although he lost the group Fa study environment after going to college, Dafa has been rooted in his heart. He also made efforts to help us produce materials, such as installing operating systems and repairing computers. When it came to offering financial support, he always did his best to help out.

After graduating from college, he went aboard to study and work before becoming a permanent citizen of that country. He also owned a home at a young age. My daughter-in-law is very supportive of our cultivation in Dafa. When we lived together, she brought fruit as an offering to Master Li and bowed to His portrait. Our entire family knows that our blessings are brought by practicing Dafa. Only by taking money and material interests lightly can we receive the blessings we have today.

Falun Dafa has spread around the world, with people in more than 100 countries and regions practicing it. In this pure land of Dafa, there are millions of families like mine who have benefited from the practice. Their morality has improved, and their bodies and souls have been purified. This truly benefits society! Falun Dafa is a true, virtuous Fa!