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Mannheim, Germany: Public Support for Dafa Practitioners’ Efforts to End the Persecution

July 10, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Germany

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held an event opposite a market in Mannheim, a university city in southwest Germany, on July 1, 2023, to introduce Falun Dafa and raise awareness about the persecution in China.

Rain fell the night before, bringing slightly milder temperatures. A continuous flow of people came out to shop at the market across the street from the Falun Dafa practitioner’s information booth. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises, distributed fliers and discussed the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa to passersby. Many of the people who signed the petition to stop the CCP’s live organ harvesting expressed their support for Falun Dafa practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution. Some passersby learned the Falun Dafa exercises from practitioners and some asked for information about local practice sites.

Dafa practitioners in Mannheim, Germany, demonstrate the exercises and introduce Falun Dafa to passersby on July 1, 2023.

A continuous flow of people stopped to talk with practitioners and many signed the petition calling for an end to the CCP’s persecution.

Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are the Fundamentals of Being Human

Ms. Lo, who has lived in Germany for 13 years, was filled with emotion after seeing the large banner with the words “Live Organ Harvesting is not tolerated by the Heavens.” 

“As a human being, it is hard to imagine anyone could do such a thing,” Ms. Lo said. 

Ms. Lo, who was born in Hong Kong, said that she encountered Falun Dafa for the first time in 2005. “At that time, I heard that their organs were being harvested while they were still alive. After that, I didn't pay much attention to this anymore. I feel very remorseful now.”

The Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement in 2019 made Ms. Lo realize that the topic of human rights was of the utmost importance. 

“In 2012 and 2013, I learned a lot [about the persecution of Falun Dafa] from the internet and on the streets of Hong Kong. I think that practicing the [Falun Dafa] exercises is beneficial to one’s physical and mental health, and it is the freedom and right that everyone should have. Just like there are people who believe in Buddhism and Christianity, that is their freedom. However, the CCP just cannot accommodate others,” she said.

“I think that Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are the fundamentals of being a human being. It is the fundamental basis of human beings’ virtue. It is beneficial, be it to oneself or to others,” Ms. Lo affirmed.

“I feel that it is really not easy for Falun Dafa to be able to persist for more than 20 years,” she said. Ms. Lo said sincerely that if there was any need, she would be willing to volunteer her help. She signed the petition and exchanged contact information with a practitioner. As she left, Ms. Lo encouraged practitioners to continue what they are doing.

Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance Are Very Good Values

Mr. Schneider, who works for BASF, the largest chemical company in the world, told a practitioner that he had learned about Falun Dafa through social media and the internet.

“This information can all be seen on the internet. It is already very open,” Mr. Schneider said. “However, I feel that many people do not care about it. The Falun Dafa group is suffering persecution, the Xinjiang Uighurs are being detained in concentration camps and the Hong Kong people are losing their freedom, and Taiwan is also suffering from the CCP’s threats. Some of my Chinese colleagues told me that they are happy to live here. They do not want to return to China anymore.”

Mr. Schneider agreed with Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. “These are very good values. However, I feel that this is definitely not what the CCP wishes for,” he said.

Signing the Petition to Support Falun Dafa Practitioners’ Efforts to End the Persecution

Bianca Breitenbacher and her husband stopped at the information booth with their two young sons. They signed the petition to support Falun Dafa practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution in China.

Bianca said, “I am deeply moved. If signing the petition can help them, I am very willing to do so. I’m almost close to tears just now, this is too saddening. I wish such things [as persecution] would not happen.”

She added, “I hope that you all can collect more signatures. This will have a catalyst-like effect [in stopping the persecution]. This is just so important. Really, I feel that the progress of this matter is very important. I will let my colleagues and friends know about this.”

Before leaving, Bianca accepted a paper lotus flower and truth-clarification materials that a practitioner gave to her. She said that she would learn more about Falun Dafa after she got home.

James, from Nigeria, condemned the CCP’s harvesting of Falun Dafa practitioners’ organs while they are still alive. He said that the CCP’s suppression of people’s spiritual beliefs is a display of dictatorship. He signed the petition to support the practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution.

Falun Dafa Practitioner: I Want to Help More People Understand Dafa

Dana is very willing to participate in events to raise awareness about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Falun Dafa practitioner Dana brought many beautiful paper lotus flowers, which she had made herself, to give to passersby. “I normally need to be at work, so I don’t have much free time. Sometimes, I even need to work on weekends. Today is my day off so I came to participate in this event,” Dana said. “I want to help more people know about what is happening in China and tell them about the serious persecution of Dafa practitioners in China. This will help more people understand Falun Dafa.”