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Master’s Protection on My Path of Cultivation

July 12, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner living in the United States

(Minghui.org) Master has been protecting me my entire life. That’s why I could narrowly escape death several times.

Arrangements in Other Dimensions

I was born in a remote village near Beijing, China. We burned coal for heating in the winter, and it was easy to get carbon monoxide poisoning when the wind blew the chimney exhaust backward.

One windy night, my mother, two sisters, and I were unconscious from carbon monoxide poisoning. My father came home from working the night shift. He thought we were asleep, so he lay down and fell half-asleep. An old man with a white beard told him, “Hurry up and check on your children. They are poisoned by carbon monoxide.” My father woke up and shook us, only to find us all unresponsive.

He quickly moved us outside the house for fresh air, and we finally came to. If it wasn’t for that deity’s protection, we would have all died that night. I remember the incident very well because I felt the cold as soon as I woke up.

I was a good kid, sensible and hard-working, and I excelled at school. However, in the Communist educational system of China, I was indoctrinated by the Communist Party education and became a die-hard atheist. And I was proud of it.

When I was applying for college, my family had already determined that I was going to apply for the Fourth Military Medical University, because my family had pulled strings to guarantee my admission there. Moreover, that university did not charge tuition, and a good job in a military hospital would await me after graduation.

However, at the very last minute, a thought occurred to me, “I’m so short; I won’t be admitted anyway.” So I removed that university from my application. That change of mind steered my life clear of the military university, which upset my family a lot. After I obtained the Fa later on, I reflected on the incident and realized that thought changed my path of life, and made it easier for me to obtain the Fa.

The Communist Party branch at my university noticed my excellent performance and absorbed me. I became a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) member in college and went on to become the Party committee secretary in graduate school.

During my graduate studies, I developed severe symptoms of lumbar disc herniation. I visited all the major hospitals in Beijing and saw famous orthopedic doctors. I tried all kinds of treatments, including painkillers, traction, massage, electrical forms of treatment, and orthopedics, but nothing helped.

My health deteriorated. I was unable to sit in class, and I suffered back pain while lying down. I was ready to stop my studies.

My sister had previously suggested that I practice Falun Dafa, but I did not take it seriously. One morning, on my way back to the dorm after running, my back hurt so badly that I could hardly bear it. I thought, “There might be some deeper reason for my illness, and perhaps qigong could solve the root cause of my problem.”

It just so happened that I saw a group of faculty members and students finishing their qigong exercises over by the wall and one of them was a lecturer in my department. I asked him what they were practicing, and he told me it was Falun Dafa. He said it was very good. I believed what he said because I knew he was an honest and upright person.

I started to practice Falun Dafa at that time. Looking back, it would have been very difficult for a person like me who was indoctrinated by the CCP regime to seek out Falun Dafa if I hadn’t gotten the serious illness.

As soon as I began to practice Dafa, Master opened my celestial eye to shatter my atheistic mindset. I saw things that boosted my confidence in cultivation. Later on when I was in a labor camp due to the persecution, these miracles of Dafa that I personally experienced strengthened my belief in Dafa.

My severe lumbar disc protrusion was cured after practicing Falun Dafa for only a month, and I no longer suffered from insomnia. I participated in a health survey that was conducted by the State General Administration of Sports in September 1998, and I chose “Recovered” when asked about what sort of mental and physical changes I had undergone after beginning cultivation practice. My experience was also spread among my family and friends.

One afternoon at the group practice site, I was doing the Falun Standing Stance with my eyes closed, and I suddenly saw a big eye in front of me. I wondered what was going on and opened my eyes to look around, only to see everyone else was still holding the wheel, just doing the exercise as usual. I quickly recalled what Master Li (Dafa’s founder) taught about the celestial eye in Lecture Two. So it was real!

Our practice site arranged for us to watch Master’s lectures in Switzerland and Frankfurt on video in September 1998. I tried my best to follow what Master was teaching about the structure of the universe. Afterward, the image of Master on the TV screen appeared wherever I looked, and this continued for many days. It was amazing to me.

Miracles in Cultivation Given Master’s Protection

I was detained in a labor camp for the second time between February 2003 and August 2005. Every minute in the Beijing Women’s Labor Camp was anguish, and it was difficult. I endured those hardships with my unbreakable belief in Dafa, and I felt Master’s compassion and protection many times. Many amazing incidents happened during that time.

Because I refused to eat or drink, the guards tried different ways to force me to give in. They ordered me to work in the field at noontime in summer, waiting to see me give in. I moved basket after basket of cow manure but wasn’t tired or thirsty.

One night, the guards ordered four strong inmates to force-feed me extremely salty instant noodle soup. As a result, I had diarrhea all night and had to use the toilet every hour. I was so weak that I could barely walk. I had to hold onto the wall to walk to the toilet 30 feet away. The next day, the guards forced me to stand all day as a punishment. The pain was endless.

In my mind, I was committed, “The evil’s plot to ‘transform’ me is useless. Only Master has the say about me.” On the third morning, I felt a sudden shock in my body, and then all the pain, fatigue, and weakness in my body were gone as if the whole thing never happened. I felt light and relaxed.

In my understanding, letting go of life and death is not just lip service. When a Dafa practitioner has reached the limit of bodily endurance for a prolonged period of time and can still maintain a strong belief in Dafa, Master then takes over everything at the critical moment and endures it. It is just as Master said:

“...When disciples have ample righteous thoughtsMaster has the power to turn the tide.”(“The Master-Disciple Bond,” Hong Yin II)

A despicable torture method that was used in Beijing Women’s Labor Camp was that they force you to drink large bowls of vegetable soup and then forbid you to use the toilet for several days. Practitioners had to hold their urine and poop for so long that some of their bodies were swollen, and some of them suffered bowel obstructions.

When the labor camp transferred me from the training ward to the ward of “transforming the steadfast”, the guards forced me to sit on a high stool and forbade me to move. They told me I must report to the “helper” if I wanted to lift my arm or move my feet. I negated the thought that I was an inmate, and did not follow their instructions. I was punched and kicked every time I moved.

They confined me in a cell and forced me to drink a large bowl of vegetable soup at every meal. Then they forbade me to use the toilet for two days in a row. I was holding so much urine that my abdomen was as big as that of a pregnant woman. They only allowed me to sleep for three hours at night, but I was in so much pain that I could not fall asleep at all.

Not knowing what to expect next, I thought, “I will let go of the attachment to my body. No matter how rampant the evil persecutes me, I am not afraid of death, even though I cherish my life.” As soon as I had that thought, I felt a mass being pulled out of my abdomen, and the pain from holding my urine suddenly disappeared. I fell asleep peacefully. I knew Master had removed the painful substance from my body.

On the third day in that cell, the captain of the guards figured that holding six large bowls of soup for more than two days was about enough, and allowed me to urinate in my washbasin in the cell without reporting it.

After more than a month of being confined in that cell, during which time I ate, drank, urinated, and defecated in it, I was not allowed to brush my teeth, comb my hair, or shower. I was punched and kicked every day; my clothes were filthy; my face was unkempt; and I looked like a beggar. I still negated that I was an inmate. They finally gave in as they could not force me to do what they wanted.

I suffered brutal torture and almost died several times, yet the evil did not achieve its goal of “transforming” me. With righteous faith in Dafa, I finally left the labor camp with righteous thoughts.

I will definitely walk the remainder of my cultivation path well and live up to Master’s compassionate salvation.