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Upholding My Belief in Master and Dafa Under Any Circumstance

July 13, 2023 |   By Guizhen, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) My husband was on his way to get some medicine for me on June 24, 1996, when he ran into my aunt. We hadn’t seen her for over 20 years, so he invited her over. That day turned out to be the best day of my life.

Introduction to Falun Dafa

At the time, I was suffering from stomach aches, severe back pain, sore throat, inflamed trachea, and gynecological diseases. I couldn’t eat anything cold or hard. I wouldn’t be able to turn during sleep due to back pain if I did some labor during the day.

In addition to these ailments, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and almost mentally collapsed. I couldn't eat or sleep and the pain was excruciating. I tried many different Chinese and western medicines to relieve the pain, but nothing worked.

When my aunt heard about all this, she told me about Falun Dafa and its many health benefits and encouraged me to give it a try. She taught me the five sets of exercises and gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa.

When I read the book, I understood the meaning of life—returning to one’s original true self. I understood that my diseases were a result of my karma from past lives and my suffering was a way to eliminate the karma. I started to study the Fa and practice the exercises every day. When I did the exercises, I could feel a Falun rotating in my lower abdomen and when doing the third exercise, it seemed as if my arms were being pushed up and down. I felt wonderful.

Three days later, Master started to cleanse my body. Small red pimples full of yellow fluid appeared all over my swollen breasts. The pimples burst and were very itchy. Two days later, my breast tumor disappeared, and the swelling and pain also vanished. Seven days later, all my diseases had disappeared, and I regained my health.

Since then, I have held myself to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, striving to become a better person and be more considerate of others. I let go of my attachments to competition and gain. As a result, my xinxing has improved and my family has become harmonious. I thank Master for his compassion.

People around me witnessed these changes and the goodness of Dafa spread by word of mouth to the surrounding villages. In this way, more than 30 predestined people became Falun Dafa practitioners. We studied the Fa and practiced the exercises together in my home.

With Master’s protection, I overcame many tribulations during the last 20 years of my cultivation. Although I still fall short of Master’s requirements, my trust in Master and my faith in Dafa will never change. I have been kept safe during my cultivation, and know that Master has endured huge trials and tribulations on my behalf. If it were not for Master’s compassion and the mighty power of Dafa, I would not have been able to become who I am today.

Miracles After Righteous Thoughts

One day, I went out with our donkey to fertilize our crops. The donkey accidentally stepped on my right toe. I was in so much pain that I had to limp to the edge of the field to sit down. One of my toes was bleeding badly where the skin had been ripped off. As I replaced the skin, I reminded myself not to be afraid, but to be grateful for the opportunity to eliminate my karma.

I put my shoes back on and continued working. When I got home that night, the ripped skin on my toes had healed and there wasn't even any scarring. Dafa is truly amazing!

Surviving Brutal Persecution in Prison

Six local practitioners were arrested while distributing Falun Dafa material in May 2001. A week later, I was arrested at my workplace and illegally sentenced to five years in Liaoning Province Women’s Prison.

Because of the brutal persecution in the prison, I had many health problems in 2004. I lost a lot of weight and became very weak. My legs were swollen and I couldn’t walk properly. I had difficulty breathing, and there was blood in my urine. It felt painful when I stood up, as if my internal organs were being stretched. I also had pain in my stomach, neck, inner thighs, and armpits.

In that evil environment, the prison guards encouraged the inmates to brutally beat me. I was forced to sleep on the tiled floor of the bathroom for 34 days in the coldest weather. When the inmates tried to force feed me with an unknown medicine, I warned them, “You will be accountable for my condition if you persecute me.” After that, they were more restrained and stopped the force feeding.

As a Dafa disciple during Fa-rectification, I was fully aware of my mission and responsibility to safeguard Dafa. This conviction guided me throughout that time, so that I didn’t go astray. It helped me strengthen my will and righteous thoughts. Through my Fa study, I learned to look inside for my human attachments, such as showing-off, fear, and a desire for comfort. Dafa helped me correct all my attachments and human notions, and eliminate the evil interference.

It was during this time that I got the message about sending righteous thoughts. When I started doing it, my upright palm felt hot, like a ball of fire. I knew that Master was strengthening me!

With Master’s protection, the environment in prison became more relaxed, and I didn’t have to do forced labor. The inmates assigned to watch me were touched by my firm belief in Dafa and no longer interfered with my Fa study, doing the exercises, or sending righteous thoughts.

As long as I firmly believed in Master and Dafa, I was able to overcome many tribulations, no matter how severe. When I returned home safely in 2007, my family and friends were all happy for me. They were able to witness the miraculous power of Dafa and Master's great compassion!

Quick Recovery from a Road Accident

One day in July 2014, a practitioner asked me to go with her after work to get her electric car repaired. It was a hot day and I just wanted to go home to study the Fa. But she was insistent, so I reluctantly went. As we were riding our electric bikes to the service department, a motorcycle came up beside me and hit my left leg hard.

I bent over the handlebars in pain, with my left leg trapped between my bumper and the front wheel of the motorcycle. The motorcyclist was a young man and I asked him to back up his motorcycle. I saw that the outside of my calf was red and swollen, and the inside had a deep cut. The skin at the front was bloody and torn in three places, and had started oozing yellow fluid.

I got off the electric bike and tried to walk, but when I put weight on my left leg, it was very painful. The young motorcyclist was extremely worried.

I said, “Don’t be afraid. I won’t demand compensation from you. I practice Falun Dafa, and our Master teaches us to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, to become good people who are considerate of others.”

The young man was very relieved and kept saying, “I have met a good person today. Thank you!”

“You don’t have to thank me,” I said. “You should thank Master, the founder of Falun Dafa.”

I clarified the facts about Falun Dafa to him, and helped him quit the Chinese Communist Party and affiliated organizations. I also gave him a Dafa flyer, and asked him to pass it on to his relatives and friends.

When I got home, my left leg was still swollen and bleeding, and I didn’t dare walk on it. I limped inside and sat in full lotus to send righteous thoughts. Later, when I was making dinner, I felt something spinning around my injured leg, touching different spots. It felt like a cool breeze blowing on my skin. I knew that Master was sending out Falun to heal my injured leg. Thank you, Master!

However, the next morning, the swelling seemed worse and had spread to my toes. It was extremely painful to put my left foot on the ground. I wanted to stay home to focus on Fa study and doing the exercises. Before I had a chance to call my manager and ask for a day off, he called me and told me to stay home. It had rained heavily the night before and our construction site was too wet for work.

During the day, I kept looking inwards. I found my attachments of comfort and selfishness and sent righteous thoughts to eliminate them. My left leg turned black and blue from the knee down. My calf and foot were still swollen, so I had to wear slippers to work.

The next day, I was busy at work all morning. When I got off work in the afternoon, my leg was even more swollen and felt hard. I couldn’t walk the next morning because the pain was unbearable whenever my left foot touched the ground. I had to hop on my right foot, step by step. My husband thought that my bones might be fractured.

Through diligent Fa study, I was able to strengthen my righteous thoughts and strongly believe in Master and Dafa, regardless of the circumstances. By the third day, I was able to walk—it still hurt, but the pain was not so excruciating. “Master is omnipotent. Dafa is omnipotent,” I said, as I spun around. I jumped up and landed on my left foot and, thanks to Master, I didn’t feel any pain. I went straight to Master’s portrait, put my hands together, and kowtowed. My left foot was back to normal in four days.