(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in February 1996. I did not start practicing to get rid of illnesses. I read Falun Dafa’s main book, Zhuan Falun, and it touched me. Before I began, practicing I suffered from migraine headaches, rheumatism, and other miseries.

Although I did not begin practicing to eliminate illnesses, after I began reading the Fa teachings and practicing the exercises, my ailments soon disappeared. When I walked, it felt like a breeze was pushing me from behind. I felt light, as though I was flying. I was so happy that I told everyone I met about Falun Dafa. Two people I told about Falun Dafa bought copies of Zhuan Falun. I know that all the good things I experienced came from Master. He scooped me up from the mud, cleansed my soul, and got rid of my karma.

In the more than 20 years I’ve practiced, I never had to take any medicine or go to a hospital. I decided to continue until the end. I will hand everything to Master and let him decide my fate.

On February 28, 1996, I attended the last of Master’s lecture video classes in Mingfang Palace Hall at Jilin University. I experienced what Master said: “A few of you might fall asleep during the class, only to wake up after I finish my talk.” (The Second Talk, Zhuan Falun)

I also joined a small group Fa study and learned how to do the exercises. Sometime later, my celestial eye opened and I saw some scenes. A passageway appeared in front of me.

Once while I was doing the exercises, I saw a giant eye. Just like Master said, “...such a large eye, blinking and looking at them, and all of it so vivid.” (The Second Talk, Zhuan Falun)

Once during the second exercise, I saw a passageway open and there was grass, trees, and greenery on both sides. On the right, there were tall buildings and one of them was a mall. I even saw my husband who had passed away. He was dressed in army attire and was walking towards the mall.

Another time during the second exercise, I had just raised my arms when I saw four or five beings who looked like me come out of my body. They formed a circle and we did the exercise together. I even saw two Falun, one with a blue background and the other with a yellow background. They kept turning for a while and moved further and further away before they disappeared.

Sometimes when I read the Fa, the words on the pages kept changing colors. Sometimes they were red, other times yellow and even purple. Sometimes the words even jumped.

However, I haven’t seen them since July 20, 1999, when the persecution began. I occasionally see something, however. I know that Master opened up my wisdom for me and gave me confidence, encouraging me to be diligent in my cultivation.